Sunday, September 8, 2024

200 less only in Treviso


Treviso – You won’t get away with the flu. In the past week alone, more than 42,000 Venetians have been forced to sleep due to fever, even if it is not always present, such as cough, headache and sore throat. Infections also complicate matters in hospitals, where gaps are covered, overtime is often doubled, available times are increased, and leave and permits are reviewed. Hospitals in the province of Treviso, for example, have nearly 200 employees who are absent precisely because they have the flu or covid virus. Specifically, 7 medical specialists and 184 employees including nurses, operators, technicians and others are on sick leave. Setbacks added by the now well-known shortage of white coats and health professionals in general. So finding replacements for a few days is basically impossible. So all that remains is to grit your teeth again. “At the moment, the data of greatest concern to us is precisely that of absenteeism among staff. Francesco Benazzi, general director of the local health authority of the Treviso region, assesses diseases and distributes them in various sectors. As a result, we did not have to reorganize services or even close them But it is clear in these circumstances that it takes a little effort.”

in an emergency
The hope is that expectations will be respected. The seasonal flu peak is expected to end on January 20. This means another week in the trenches. Then you have to go back to see the light again. Regional monitoring confirms that the incidence is declining: the latest report speaks of 8.81 cases per thousand inhabitants. Hospital wards are no longer as full as they are at Christmas time. Today in Marca’s facilities there are 102 patients hospitalized due to influenza and coronavirus. In detail, 26 people suffer from severe forms of seasonal influenza, which often adds to the already precarious clinical pictures. Another 76 have been hospitalized for Covid (40 in Treviso, 11 between Montebelluna and Castelfranco and 25 in Vittorio Veneto). “They were admitted to hospital with infection with the Coronavirus as the first diagnosis,” specifies the director general of the local health authority. In fact, there is a trend now to exclude from the total number of people hospitalized for other reasons who also test positive for coronavirus, without any kind of respiratory symptoms. By chance, the latter are singled out, but are welcomed into the wards’ areas of seclusion. Overall, Rt remains below 1, the threshold beyond which the Covid pandemic will expand exponentially again. Now the average value is 0.81.

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Few swamps
Covid points in the Treviso area continue to perform an average of 700 swabs per day. “However, we should pay attention to trend data, Benazzi also warns, because, especially during the holiday season, many people have been doing without tampons.” What is certain is that thanks to the desire to avoid isolation, there is no longer the rush in the past to get tested for coronavirus. Instead, interest remains particularly high at airports. Including Marco Polo from Venice, Canova from Treviso and Catullo from Verona. Since the end of last year, all passengers from China must be tested, even if they previously made calls elsewhere. For its part, the local health authority of Treviso has already reopened the Covid hotel of the former Guicciardini hotel in Valdobbiadene as a precaution.


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