Sunday, September 8, 2024

“Dietrino, tired” – Libero Cottidiano


The most anticipated face-to-face in between Matteo Salvini e Mario Draghi. It started at 4.30pm today, Thursday 7th October and has not ended properly since. The clarification needed after the bitter tensions of recent days began with the league, which on Tuesday, left the CDM on financial representatives. A lightning-fast tip, in high tension, but the two would have found a set. An avid spectator, Enrico Letta, spent himself in the usual provocations against the league’s leader: “Salvini’s games are exhausting, it’s the usual theater; the problems are only for the league,” he commented contemptuously at the ongoing summit.

At the end of the meeting, Salvini said: “An hour-long discussion with President Tracy. A very effective meeting: a shared commitment to discuss plans and solutions and the future of Italy each week. Newspapers write about what they want: a loyal, transparent and direct relationship that solves every problem and finds solutions.” He said quickly

In the morning, Salvini asked the Prime Minister.Pledge in writing not to raise taxes“The prime minister reiterated that the government was abiding by its obligations and” did not follow the election agenda. “Irap, VAT, Irpef, flat tax stabilization, Imu will not increase“Therefore, the leader of the Northern League is motivated against the other majority members:” I trust him, I do not trust others. “

Two hours later, the prime minister’s implicit response was: “We respect our responsibilities in everything we do,” Drake told a news conference hosted by BNNR. No direct reference, The recipient of the message immediately became clear. Again, the Prime Minister said that “compliance with the commitments with the European Union is important in allocating resources.”

See also  Weapons for Ukraine, Pentagon: "Ready in a week". The Kremlin told the United States: "If you continue to arm Kiev, you do not want peace."

Drake, for his part, continues to push on the accelerator: “The deadline for approving reforms is starting to fall, we have A significant number of activities that need to be approved by the end of the year“, He explained. He reiterated:” Government action will not stop. “


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