Friday, October 18, 2024

There is no wax in the United States, and the life of an army that refuses to be vaccinated is over


They will not be fired and will not be forced to leaveArmy American, but they can not do business. The players in it United States Choose what they do not do Vaccine ResistanceGovt They will continue to serve, but they must set aside the ambition of being able to attain the highest military positions. In a statement last week, Secretary of Defense Kristin Wormut said that active service personnel, as well as reserves and administrators who refuse to be vaccinated, would be reported. The result would be exclusion from re-integration and promotion practices. As initially thought, this practice will not be eliminated from the military.

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The unvaccinated soldier can still serve the state, but will not enjoy any career advancement. Obviously, this is only valid for those who do not present medical justification – sufficiently verified – for health reasons, proving incompatibility with the vaccination process. The deadline for vaccination is December 15 for active soldiers and June 30 for Reserve and National Guard troops. However, it must be said that 92% of players on active duty are fully vaccinated. The consequences for failing to vaccinate are greater for officers: they may be relieved of duty.

The military’s decision not to fire unvaccinated soldiers is a departure from most of the choices made by the Department of Defense and other U.S. military agencies that have already issued guidelines for the removal of troops who refuse to be vaccinated. Last month, for example, the Air Force rejected 40 new recruits for refusing vaccines. However, there are tensions between the Pentagon and the Oklahoma National Guard that the new commander, General Thomas Mancino, will not use the Department of Defense’s Govt-19 vaccination order for his troops. . Many governors are considering following the example of Oklahoma, including Texas.


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