Thursday, October 17, 2024

Open jobs and how to apply


Ferrovie dello Stato offers the opportunity for a great start to the new year with the promise of hiring new employees. Let’s find out what profiles are needed and how to submit the application.

the web

state railways Launch a recruitment campaign to fill different roles and become part of a powerful business reality. Applicants will need to prove that they are Bright, serious and dynamic In order to place it in a context where attention to the customer is fundamental and crucial to the company’s evolving development. In the “Work with us” section of the FS . portal selection begins of potential future workers who will have to go through a process based on the job you are applying for.

The beginning of the journey with the state railways

the I travel with FS It starts from the web portal, specifically from the “Working with us” section. Candidate will be able to check quickly open positions With counseling related to the skills and type of profile required. The second step is Registration To the site to log in later. The procedure will last 15-20 minutes and will be necessary to receive the authentication email and complete the registration confirmation. After you send the order, it will take from three days to a few weeks CV examination. If your job profile matches the requested number, you will be contacted to start the process Selection Which varies according to the open position chosen. In general, a Online digital testVideo interview and test in a foreign language. By going through this process, you can be hired in no time.

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open positions

The numbers you’re currently looking for Ferrovie dello Stato are many and included Graduates in technical fields, graduates, inexperienced youth e professionals specialized. Among the roles to be filled, we mention the role of route plannercivil systems designer Multipurpose Behavior Trigger Train operator specialized in maintenance of trains. Places of business range from Lazio to Veneto to Liguria, but the municipalities of Milan, Brescia, Reggio Calabria and Parma are also involved.

Each role will require satisfaction specific requirements. To apply as a train maintenance operator, for example, it will be necessary to have a high school diploma and have two years of previous experience in the sector. It is possible, as mentioned earlier, to see all the details of the open position by accessing the portal


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