Friday, October 18, 2024

China: A space station that rotates with solar panels to transmit energy to Earth


We’ve written in the past about how to make a file China Recovers at a (relatively) high speed from lost ground as far as it is concerned space program. There are many more or less well-known plans for the Asian nation that can at present “show off” space station (not as complex as the International Space Station, but still a good engineering effort), various types of space rockets, extraterrestrial missions on the moon And the Mars With the future looks more interesting.

For example, new carriers are being developed by both government and private agencies, space orbiters and subtropical, sub-orbital space tourism carriers and a lunar research station that will be behind the first moon landing (thanks to Long March 5G/CZ-5G rockets). However, the most futuristic thing is orbiting the space station Equipped Solar Panels Capable of transmitting energy from space to Earth (called Space Solar Power Station or SSPS). This would allow a lot of energy to be harnessed that would otherwise be dispersed with an effect that could be partially contained.

China and the solar-panel station: Renewable energy from space?

We had some of this project It was already written in 2021 When do we talk about it long lihauthe chief engineer of the Long March series of rockets and in general one of the most important people when it comes to Chinese space program. It should be noted that this is currently a project “on paper” However intriguing it may be, a careful assessment of the technical and engineering limitations, as well as the actual utility that this solution will have in the future, will be necessary.

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The renewable space in China

thanks for the Published study From Chinese space science and technology, we have more information about how it is developed and what are the characteristics orbiting the space station with Solar Panels To send energy to Earth (space solar power station). As we wrote, this is a really ambitious project (and China is not the only nation considering this solution) and therefore the Asian nation has many a step before reaching the final form.

If the plans are adhered to, the first prototype will be in orbit in 2028. This model will have little Solar Panels (1/4 the size of the full model) but will still allow testing of radio, microwave or laser (low power) transmissions to Earth. Thanks to its small size, it will be possible to launch a file solar space station As if it were a standard satellite without having to assemble into orbit. The plate data counts to one Energy From 10 kWan effort 500 volts. The site will be in low Earth orbit (400 km away) with an area of ​​a few metres.

China is renewable

If this experiment works, we will move on to more complex solutions. in 2030 solar space station subordinate China It will be half the size of the final design. There will be a larger antenna for microwaves and a medium power laser to transmit power. Due to the size it has to be assembled in space and will be able to generate from it 100 kW as far as 1 megawatt hard 1 kV. The station will be in a geostationary orbit (36000 km) and the surface will be a few tens of meters.

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In 2035 there will be one solar space station complete. This means a microwave antenna with a diameter of more than 100 meters and a high-powered laser. The generated power must reach 10 MW and 2 kV up to 5 kV. Dimensions will be greater than 100m and the situation will always be in Geo. There could be the last development in 2050. The system will have an antenna over a kilometer long for microwaves, even more powerful lasers, and of course a more complex assembly. China will aim to generate up to 2 gigawatts of power at a voltage of 10 kV o 20 kV and overall dimensions greater than one kilometer (always located in geosynchronous orbit).


In addition to systems in space, ground stations will be required. It will gradually become larger and will rely on a system with a beta package (to see if the system is pointing in the right direction) and a broader system of actual transmission. In particular, the study also analyzes issues with the accuracy that a transmission should have, the necessary offsets, and other unknowns. As written at the beginning, this project from China still in embryonic stage Although the first experiments are already taking place in the laboratory. It will be a solution to the increasing demand for energy and impact Non-renewable energy sources?

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