Friday, October 18, 2024

Bonus 200 and 150 euros, who will have to return them as soon as possible


The Bonus 200 eurosas well as who 150 eurosmaybe you can be I took out Soon for some of those who realized it. This applies not only to employees who have benefited from it despite not being entitled to it, and who will be withheld in their pay by the employer, but also – and above all – to retireeswho were paid a bonus of 200 and 150 euros “TemporarilyBy INPS on the basis of data available at the time of payment of which there will be some soon Checkups more.

Therefore, in the meantime, it may happen that the Institute obtains new information that may testify to exceeding the minimum threshold for enjoying a bonus of 200 and 150 euros; In this case INPS will intervene as soon as possible through a request Refund amount Unnecessarily paid.

Why are we talking about it now? Because it is precisely in this period that the institute acquires i Income data refer to 2021the tax period as a reference for evaluating the income limit within which an individual is entitled to receive the above-mentioned benefits for one time.

Soon, therefore, it will begin Checks by the institute on income that refer to 2021; If it is found to be higher than the lower limit set by the legislation, the revocation will take effect, and returnWhoever Bonus 200 euros (paid with a July annuity) that of 150 euros (paid in October).

Bonus of 200 and 150 euros: for those who deserve it

The Decree No. 50 of May 17, 2022 Make a one-time compensation worth 200 euros It is paid, as indicated in Article 32 of the provision, to those who in 2021 earned an annual income not exceeding 35 thousand euros.

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When assessing who falls within the aforementioned threshold is taken into account Personal income is subject to Irpefnet of social security and welfare contributions, except for:

  • severance pay, however denominated;
  • dwelling income;
  • Late fees are subject to separate taxes.

The same income is taken into account for the one-time benefits you provide Decree 144/2022 (the so-called Aiuti ter edict). However, in this case, the value of the reward is reduced to 150 eurosit only belongs to those who have it An income of less than 20,000 euros.

How the INPS made the payment

As noted above, the above compensation was paid by INPS respectively in July and October 2022.

paid from the officeSo without interested parties being able to communicate the income actually received in 2021. So how did the Inps determine the audience for the beneficiaries? As you can read in the judgments above, this happened.On the basis of the data available to the supplier at the time of payment“.

Therefore, the verification could have been done on the basis of the information only partial. So much so that the legislator, while specifying that the payment has been made Temporarilyadds that in a second moment, and therefore after exchange, the allowances mentioned above will beSubject to later verification of income […] Also through the information provided in detailed form for each type of income by the Finance Department and any other public department that has useful information“.

Once the INPS checks, once it checks the income situation, it makes sure that the above thresholds are crossed – 35 thousand euros for a grant of 200 eurosAnd the 20 thousand to 150 euros You will then report the non-due payment during the following year to obtain income information.

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what is happening now?

Therefore, all those who have sent a letter to obtain income data indicating the year 2021 after the payment of the above-mentioned bonuses can be subject to verification as soon as possible. A connection that, for example, could happen with a submission Tax declarationwhose deadline expired on November 30, 2022or even through red modelas the deadline for sending returns related to the regular 2022 campaign is set (for income that refers to 2021) February 28, 2023.

Once you have submitted all the data indicating your income status for 2021, the INPS will be able to make a more complete and accurate assessment, to make sure that there are no improper payments for the €200 and €150 bonus.

Therefore, for those who will result in a Income between 20,000 and 35,000 euros There will only be Refund compensation of 150 euros (if approved, of course); They will have to Also returns a bonus of 200 eurosHowever, those who have Income exceeding 35,000 euros.

And that’s not all: as INPS reminds us circular no. 73/2022the reward has also been revoked.”In the event that the pension transaction that gave the right to recognition of the one-time compensation is revoked or, in any case, all circumstances in which it is subsequently confirmed that the right does not exist regardless of the income requirements“.

How to return the bonus

If it is found to be an undue payment, INPS will recover it on the basis as specified in the circular no. 47/2018any through Deductions from retirement benefits. In the end, therefore, the value of the award that will be paid directly by the INPS will be deducted from the retirement voucher on which you want to proceed with the redemption.

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