Sunday, September 8, 2024

Doctors strike, 85% support – Medicine


The 24-hour national strike by doctors, health managers and nurses that began at midnight on December 5 has now reached 85% membership.

This was announced by the unions that declared the strike: Simo Fesmed Union, the largest hospital union Anau Asomet and Nursing Up Nursing Union.

“More than 85% support for today’s strike of doctors and nurses: it is a historic day and this square in Rome, together with other squares in Italy, proves that this type is enough today and says that we are not dead. More alive than ever, a call to the Prime Minister: you are truly In the public health service, if you care about the NHS, come to the square, even now, we are waiting for you, or call us immediately. This strike is a cry of warning, we will be proud, and if there is no response we will end in mass resignations.” Pierino Di Silverio, secretary of Anao Asomete, the association of hospital doctors who announced the strike together with Simo, comments to ANSA on the results of the protest.

“Doctors and nurses united in the square from north to south – he says – proves that the system is still alive and there are professionals. To those who say that it is not right to strike today, we answer that it is not right how we were. Having been treated for 20 years and losing part of the pension It is not right, it is not right that the demands of exhaustion due to lack of staff, it is not right that doctors should live under the sword of Damocles of the Italian justice, we are doctors, not criminals, and we ask for the withdrawal of the Lega bill which provides prison terms for doctors because it is offensive.” “There is great discomfort – the President Cimo Fesmed Guido Quici underlines -. If a doctor strikes, it means that the situation is very serious. We want to give a very strong signal to the government, we ask to be the first to hire. The staff, next year, we will celebrate the first 20 years of staff shutdown. The deficits are huge and you don’t need a little money to meet the needs of the moment to change the image, without structural interventions you will get nowhere.”

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