Friday, October 18, 2024

Euro 7: Another decisive step


The trilogy – Future emissions regulation Euro 7 Operation concluded Triple. In the context of normal EU legislative procedure, the Tripartite is an informal inter-institutional negotiation bringing together representatives of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. The goal of the trilogy is to achieve Temporary agreement Based on a legislative proposal accepted by the legislators Parliament and Council.

D. 2030 Therefore, the agreement must be finally approved by becomes law Throughout the community. The new regulation will apply 30 months after it comes into force for cars and vans and 48 months for buses, trucks and trailers (for vehicles made by small manufacturers, it will come into force from July 1) 2030 For cars and small trucks from July 1 2031 for buses and trucks).

Click on commercials – The new standard Euro 7 Confirms current Euro 6 testing requirements and vehicle exhaust emission limits and Small trucks, with the new advantage that the number of exhaust particles should be measured as PN10, rather than PN23 (this way smaller particles are included). While “pressure” is related to Buses and truckswhich, under the same test conditions stipulated by Euro 6, will nevertheless have to respect more stringent emission limits in the laboratory (NOx limit is 200 mg/kWh) and in real conditions (260 mg/kWh).

Brake particles The real novelty of the legislation is that it contemplates new areas of intervention. Specifically, the boundaries were set on emissions of emitted particles Brakes (PM10) l Cars and trucks (3 mg/km for electric vehicles; 7 mg/km for most internal combustion engines, hybrid and fuel cell electric vehicles and 11 mg/km for large thermal trucks). The other new feature is Input Minimum requirements performance throughout the duration battery In electric and hybrid cars: 80% from the beginning of the life cycle to five years or 100,000 km and 72% up to eight years or 160,000 km. While for battery-powered trucks we are talking about 75% from the beginning of the life cycle to five years or 100,000 km and 67% up to eight years or 160,000 km.

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Environmental passport -The text also states the so-called Environmental vehicle passport It contains information on its environmental performance at the time of registration (pollutant emission limits, CO2 emissions, fuel and electricity consumption, electric range, battery life). Customers will also have access to up-to-date information on fuel consumption, battery health and pollutant emissions. Carmakers will then need to design their cars to prevent emissions control systems from being tampered with by digitizing car monitoring.


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