Sunday, September 8, 2024

Have you received gifts you don't like? Here's what you can do


Too many Christmas gifts that you don't like? from Recycling There are many online sale options to give a second chance to that sweater you'll never wear or that wool hat that doesn't fit. One in two Italians is ready for reuse To give contained, according to a study conducted by Confcooperative.

Gift recycling

One option relates to possibility Gift recycling. According to the data, six out of ten Italians will keep the gifts they received to give to other people during 2024. This is a very frequent option that allows you to give a second life to things that do not resemble the preferences of those who received them and, moreover, it is particularly important. continuous. The recycling practice finds food among the top places for 42% (wine, sparkling wine, cured meats, cheese, prosecco, grappa, beer, panettone, pandooro, chocolate, nougat, honey, jam, regional sweets); followed by scarves, gloves, hats, socks and personal products such as cosmetics and creams at 29%; 17% books, gift cards and leather goods, and 12% toys.

Resale gifts

Another very common practice is related to sale From the gift received. Internet platforms dedicated to this practice allow you to earn money, and some social networks also offer the possibility of uploading the products in question and collecting money. Numerically speaking, in Italy there are two out of every ten recyclers, 60% of whom are men and 40% are women. Other people will exchange gifts received at purchase stores to turn them into Good to spend Or take other things to give as gifts, and these are 51% women and 49% men.

See also  Pay attention to the appropriate amount to keep in your bank account or mailing checking account to avoid risks and save costs and commissions

Do charity

Enter the gift charity It can be a good way to help those who really need it. How do I do it? The website allows you to leave unwanted gifts in containers located in some offices, schools and libraries. Another possibility has to do with the portal that allows you to give away things that might otherwise end up missing Foolish.

Counter calculation

Italians did their Christmas shopping according to logic savings. The phenomenon of “counter spending” led to savings of 3.4 billion euros, 200 million euros more than last year and 100 million more than at Christmas before the pandemic. This trend concerns 28.5 million people, or one in two Italians. This trend has been growing steadily in recent years.


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