Sunday, September 8, 2024

Jupiter was hit by two asteroids! Watch the amazing video live


The year 2023 is ending with a bang: Jupiter will likely be hit by two asteroids within a few hours! The video shows the glow effect

The news is exciting: Jupiter, the king of the planets, was hit by two objects (asteroids) on December 28 and 29, 2023 (another similar incident occurred last November 15): The 29th video, taken from Colombia, shows a flash in Jupiter's atmosphere Typical of the impact (the 28th event was instead recorded by Puerto Rico at 23:52 UTC)! If you are observing Jupiter at the same time, check the imaging data again and let us know for further confirmation! Here is a video of what happened on the 29th (captured virtually by astrophotographer Andres Arboleda from Colombia):

Here is the effect on December 28:

Impact of Jupiter asteroid

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Guardians of the Solar System

We can easily define them as guardians of the Earth: in fact, thanks to the combined action of Jupiter and Saturn, a significant portion of the asteroids are expelled from Solar System, giving calm to our land. Moreover, Jupiter's gravitational field acts as a brake in case objects penetrate the inner solar system: this has allowed asteroids and comets to release water and compounds useful for the development of life, which were especially essential in past eras. The most famous effect was the comet effect Shoemaker Levi 9 (Torn to shreds by Jupiter) in July 1994. Video of the amazing event (the king of the planets was photographed in infrared):

Shoemaker-Levy 9 effect on Jupiter

The effect that was photographed years ago lives on around the world

Updates will follow on the event that took place a few days ago and was filmed in Colombia and Puerto Rico (if you also filmed the effect, please let us know at [email protected]). Thank you!

Cover Photo credit

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