Monday, September 16, 2024

See things at the speed of light: 1 trillion frames per second! video


A few years ago, researchers at the MIT Media Lab created an imaging solution that allows us to visualize the propagation of light in a space. drive mad. The effective exposure time for each frame is two trillionths of a second, and the resulting exposure represents the movement of light At a rate of 500 billion frames per second. It is almost impossible to directly record reflected or scattered light at this frame rate with sufficient brightness.

See things at the speed of light: 1 trillion frames per second!  video
Frame of video

Stroboscopic method

An indirect “stroboscopic” method is used that records millions of repeated measurements by carefully scanning over time and viewpoints. The data was then rearranged to create a nanosecond “movie” of an event. In addition to the capabilities found in An artistic and educational presentationApplications include industrial imaging to analyze defects and material properties, scientific imaging to understand ultra-fast processes, and medical imaging for reconstruction Esoteric elementsFor example “Ultrasound with light”.

Visualize video at the speed of light – one trillion frames per second

Objects smaller than a factor of 1000

All the objects in the following video are smaller by a factor of 1000 so they are all visible! The speed of light is displayed in real time starting from the Earth's surface Shoe. Remember that the speed of light travels approximately 300,000 km/s.

source: mit.eduCover Photo credit

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