Sunday, September 8, 2024

The scientific study does not bode well: 72% are at risk of contracting this disease


People with an evening and nocturnal chronotype risk causing significant harm to their health: let's find out what this means.

When are we most active? During the day or at night? More in detail: Do we prefer to devote ourselves to carrying out our professional or academic (but also personal) duties mainly in the morning, afternoon, evening or midnight? Good, Our level of well-being or malaise can depend on this.

The study was conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women's Health Hospital in Boston –

It is a recent American study, It was performed on more than 63,000 nurses by researchers at Brigham and Women's Health Hospital in Boston.To link the participants' chronotype to their health condition. But what is chronotype? Well, it's the time of day when a person wants – or tends to – be most active.

So, there are time patterns that prefer, we could say, sunlight and others that prefer moonlight instead. So the researchers asked themselves whether people's level of well-being – or vice versa, feeling of distress – somehow depends on each person's chronotype. In other words: In terms of health, is a daily or evening schedule more appropriate? Or is it irrelevant? Here are the results.

Results of the study conducted by researchers in Boston

The results obtained by the Boston research group left no room for misunderstanding: “Middle-aged nurses with an evening schedule – as we read in the report – had More likely to engage in unhealthy lifestyle behaviorsBut there is more than that: the greatest risk found in the study results is that the evening and night time chronotype carries a greater possibility of developing “diabetes compared to the morning chronotype.”

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An American study showed that living at night leads to health problems: we understand why
According to the study, the chances of developing type 2 diabetes increase by 72% for the evening and night-time types –

Furthermore, compensation in cases of evening and nocturnal chronotype through “physical activity, diet, and other modifiable lifestyle factors significantly, but not completely, mitigated the increased risk of diabetes.” Overall it equals a significant rate of +72% for type 2 diabetes. Although the risk decreased to +19% in cases of attention to diet, healthy physical activity and rest, it remains a particularly compromising factor.

So according to the study Being more active at night than during the day can significantly harm your healthIn addition to encouraging higher amounts of alcohol, increased smoking, reduced physical activity, decreased food quality and even rest periods. For this reason, it is advisable for professionals such as nurses who necessarily work night shifts to regularly perform alternate cycles of activity, and to constantly monitor the repercussions on their physical, mental and emotional health level.


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