Sunday, September 8, 2024

It's always Gardabianga, Conte ponders tripping Schlein: “turnaround in Barry”


In the wake of the Apulian scandals, Giuseppe Conte appears to be effectively launching an attempt to take over Ellie Schlein's Democratic Party. The leader of the 5 Star Movement on Tuesday April 9 at È semper Cartabianca as guest of Bianca Berlinguer, on Rete 4, after a “cold” handshake with the Dem secretary, he comments: “It's not a personal thing with Schlein. I “It's for the attention of the media organization. We are discussing serious issues, at the heart of Schlein's self-imposed plan to relaunch his party. Put yourself in our shoes: a bold choice in the territories we have created” evaluating the alliance with the Democratic Party in each case, but “cannot go below a certain threshold in terms of legitimacy and the fight against corruption”.

Also read: At half past eight, Schonzi defends Conte, attacks Democrats: “He's in the hands of the Caciques”

The movement withdrew from the centre-left primary committee for municipal elections in Bari after investigations into vote-buying in two municipalities in the area. Now Conte announces the important news: “Thursday morning I will hold a press conference in Paris where we will announce the need for a breakthrough,” he says. Berlinger insists on knowing what it is about, but nothing, the former “people's lawyer” escapes: “We will clarify what this breakthrough means, because it is absolutely impossible to continue to put our heads under the rug. Virtuous practices must be abolished or else prohibition will grow more and more”. “Does this mean you're leaving the council?” the host asks, but Conte neither confirms nor denies it. However, in the hypotheses, the return of Grillini, who supports Michele Emiliano to the Puglia region, is more radical. However, there was a conciliatory signal during the interview: “Since all our battles are in the progressive area, we will never turn to the center-right. If Schlein is loyal to the project he invested in, we can. Strengthen this dialogue”.

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