Sunday, September 8, 2024

Italy from space: watch the video in unprecedented resolution


The images that reach us from space show us Italy in all its splendor. Here is our beautiful country

Enjoy this amazing video From Italy taken by astronauts on board International Space Station (International Space Station). In this moment of difficulty, these images fill our hearts and make us discover the beauty of our country from an extraordinary perspective. Have a good trip:

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International Space Station

The International Space Station is an orbiting laboratory Terra On high 400 kilometers, and a speed of 27 thousand kilometers per hour. Experiments are being conducted in Microgravity By astronauts for medical research, new renewable energies, crucial climate change monitoring and much more. I emphasize basic cooperation international During past construction and in current maintenance.

But why are such technologies being tested there?

Italy from space
Italy from space. Credit: European Space Agency

Why is there a need for Microgravity Clearly, space is the perfect place. Of course the pictures Terra It is impressive and there is a special dome: it is a moment of entertainment for the astronauts. How much does this wonder cost? It costs money to every European citizen €1 Per year: I think they are spent almost exclusively on fortune-telling in Italy 8 billion euros annually! There would be a lot more to write but I think this is enough to dispel any doubts about its importance Space research.

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