Saturday, September 7, 2024

“Democracy Against Fascists”. Vannacci's book delivery at Cremona was cancelled


Everything was ready presentation In Cremona of the new book Roberto Vannacci, “Courage Wins”. The general candidate for the next European elections with the lists of the League of Matteo Salvini, confirmed to be available via Magazzini Generali from Teatrodanza Auditorium, but, a few days before the event, all Cancelled, according to what we have learned for security reasons. “This is it Anti-fascist democracy“, was the candidate's comment to Agi Microphones after learning of the decision to withdraw the room's availability.

Paola Bosa, the owner, justified the newspaper's decision Province saying”Everything happened in the last few days Very large and demanding“She wanted to cancel everything because she wasn't even in the office.”A very delicate commitment that I don't want to make at this time. Our room is a neutral zone“, he continued, explaining that he decided to cancel everything when he was informed, as is the procedure for this type of event. Digos. “I was a little scared and realized that we were not ready to have such a complicated meeting“, explains again.

The presentation of Vannachi's book cannot, in any case, be classified in context Political events, an event organized by some private individuals to promote the latest volume of General. This is also the reason why the general candidate political party did not intervene to find an alternative venue after the doors of the Cremona Auditorium were closed by the owner. However, Vannacchi was not easily discouraged and, despite a last-minute change of plans, found a way to retreat to the province of Cremona. Robecco d'OglioAbout 15 km from the capital.

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However, concern is growing over this afternoon's incident Matteo Salvini Held in Livorno, where he is expected to present his new book “Controvento”. groups and groups”Anti-fascistThe townspeople have already announced that they will hold a demonstration against the club president. Defined by them as an “undesirable person” in the city, they organized a procession to disturb the presentation.

Nevertheless, Salvini is not taking any steps back and will still be in Livorno, where many are expected at the “Quatro Mori” theater for the presentation.


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