Sunday, September 8, 2024

Rents and Mortgages: State support arrives and saves a lot of monthly payments


New concessions are on the way regarding rents and mortgages. Here’s everything you need to know about it in detail.

Italy, as we know, is going through catastrophic economic conditions, and its citizens are feeling the effects of this economic crisis. In fact, the state allocated various rewards and benefits to the neediest citizens. Hence we try to provide minimal relief to those who are struggling to reach the end of the month.

In fact, there is more relief on the way when it comes to mortgages and rents. But what is it? And who can benefit from it. In the meantime, let’s start by telling you that this bonus is only aimed at certain categories of people.

Rent and mortgage relief: Here’s what you need to know

the Budget Law 2024 He also customized new features in terms of rewards and benefits Rents and mortgages. Various bonuses have been confirmed including: Rental Bonus, Youth Rental Bonus, and First Mortgage Bonus. Blauralala For 2024 it is Another type of subsidy is also provided, namely the rent and mortgage bonuswhich falls within Marginal benefit Which only relates to some categories of employees.

New mortgage and rent relief is coming: here’s how to request it –

Let’s see how to access the benefits offered for mortgages and rentals. We also remember that among the various benefits offered there are also those that support those who live in them rent Or it may stipulate a Mortgage to buy a house.

The situation for 2024 remains unchanged for all other bonuses, except… Mortgage and rent bonus. This benefit is intended for Employees who fall under fringe benefits It will be valid from January 1 to December 31, 2024.

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Thanks to marginal interest Employer It may decide to recognize its employees a Contribute to the payment voucher to Payment of rent or mortgage interest From the main house. the Maximum payable through fringe benefits This year up to: 1.000 euros For all employees e 2.000 euros For employees with dependent children

Additional benefits this year include meal vouchers, company cars… Water, gas and electricity bills Expenses incurred for rent and mortgage interest for purchasing the first home. As specified before Circular 5/e issued by the Revenue Agency, In the event that the employer decides to grant the additional benefit on mortgage and rent to employees, the reimbursed expenses will not be able to benefit from Erbv discounts.

for every Claim the reward You must apply for the contribution and provide appropriate documentation to support the application. In addition to rent mortgage bonus, The following year you will be able to benefit from:

  • Rent bonus 2024 In the form of an Irpef rebate targeting low-income renters;
  • Youth rent bonus 2024targeting people between the ages of 20 and 31;
  • First mortgage bonusThrough which you can obtain a guarantee of up to 80% from the guarantee fund for the purchase of the first home;
  • Rental contribution for off-site students: It consists of a 10% discount on the annual rent paid by university students outside the university who meet certain conditions.


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