Sunday, September 8, 2024

From Earth to the edge of the visible universe: watch the video


The observable universe is enormous, a “sphere” 93 billion light-years in diameter: join us on this journey from Earth

The universe is expanding (as proven Hubble) and thus light sources, e.g job Or rather, galaxies are moving away from our observation point. If this were not the case, the radius of the observable universe would be equal to 13.8 billion light years Roughly, the distance light has traveled since the beginning of the universe (since the great explosion). But because it is expanding, the distance to the horizon is much greater: electromagnetic radiation that began 13.8 billion years ago and is now reaching an observer will be relative to a source that has moved away from the observer.


Latest estimates assume that the area has expanded by about 4.7×1023 km or 46.5 billion light years. So the diameter of the ball will be exactly equal to 93 billion light years. Let’s take a journey from the Earth and the Moon, to the Solar System, to the Oort Cloud, to the Milky Way, to the Virgo Supercluster, to the Laniakia Supercluster, and finally to the observable universe and beyond! This animation will take us from Earth to the “edge” of the visible universe: Happy Traveling!

to know more

Here it is Lanyakia Subramasu: Earth, the solar system, the Milky Way is part of it. The mass of Laniakea is incredible: I think it is 100,000 million times more massive than our star. It is a group of galaxy clusters and its “network” extends 500 million light-years. In contrast, Laniakia is only a small region of the visible universe extending, according to current estimates, to a distance of 90 billion light-years. Video and more information here.

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For more information, we recommend Daniel Gaspari’s book: In the mind of the universe

Cover image courtesy of NASA


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