Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Democratic Party wants to abolish iron, Segre and Meloni’s mistake: So, today…


– I It was shown for the first time? There are those who support him wholeheartedly and those who hate him regardless. However, those who oppose this are distorting a system that has never been seen before the current situation We know it well and we know that in about 80 years of democracy it has produced instability, corruption, clean hands, coastal governments, long-serving CEOs, terrible electoral laws, officials, Monkey Di Maio, techno governments and Fava Day Give me two good reasons To not try something different.

– I continued reading courier The following reconstruction regarding the issue of masks in the Liguria region, which was allowed to be published in newspapers for two days everyone With alleged illegal sales of personal protective equipment. Two people supposedly connected to the Risi clan talk about these masks for children and the fact that if they could “tie the area” they would play bingo. Did they succeed? He writes Coursera“It appears from the investigation papers that the project remained as it was without being realized at all.” But if the alleged crime, assuming it happened, never materialized, what are we talking about? never. But it is convenient to scoop up some random manure and throw it on the fan.

– In the same article, for example, another wiretapping appears – speaking about some areas of Elva, Paolo Signorini (now in prison) says: “We must be able to bring President DraghiHere: Why not top this phrase?

– The little girl who, during the entry of the players in Fiorentina Monza, as soon as the camera passed in front of her with her lips said unambiguously “Juventus m***“Maybe it won’t be a Lord’s expression, but it’s the same as Mancini and other jokes: This is the essence of football. There is no Viola fan who has not addressed Juventus fans in this way at least once. Such is life. And to deny it shows hypocrisy.

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– Today we will not talk about anything except the video of the honorable Mr. V Gas station What sticks to the diesel pump is not exactly in the car’s tank. You live better without seeing it.

Pollsters ask themselves who benefits most from the conflict WatermelonShalin on TV. Some believe that the Prime Minister can promise something tangible that will remain in the minds of voters. Others believe the Democratic Party leader will benefit from this, since she will be able to shoot everything. But there are debates about the gender of angels. Ellie’s problem, but I’m willing to change my mind, is that in a TV debate she doesn’t penetrate the camera like Melonie does. This makes all the difference in the world. As happened during the time of Berlusconi and Prodi.

Liliana Secret She is a very respected senator for life. However, his reign as prime minister is tainted by at least some flaws. First: We are talking about a reform that is still in its infancy, and will be modified in its countless readings. Therefore, issuing such an alarm today certainly seems exaggerated. Second: “The head of state looks up to the prime minister thanks to the popular inauguration” is not dangerous, but quite normal. Just look at France or Great Britain. Third: Whoever claims that “reforming the constitution is not a radical necessity for our country” is wrong. Because we live in a stuck country, a constant victim of weak governments, in an international context that demands – or rather – stability. The commentators repeated it in unison at the time of crisis Government Dragee. But now, coincidentally, they have returned to favoring the proportional system.

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-Do you want to know the latest revolutionary green ideas? Hence: Elimination iron. Very polluted. The green battle can be seen from the creases, in the literary sense of the word, and Annalisa Corrado even has a new slogan: “Crinkle yourself for the climate.” Now, there’s nothing objectionable to an ecologist, feminist, and engineer working for a sustainable economy. It may be a joke, even if watching the video of the interview raises some doubts. But we have to set limits for ourselves. Let us abandon the idea that Europe should move towards electric cars, even though reducing CO2 emissions from the Old Continent would not have a significant impact on the global total. Also include the aluminum water bottle that Ellie Schlein loves so much, instead of plastic bottles. I hope that the positive cycles of the Democratic Secretary’s Department, which we are still trying to decipher, will pass. But the thought of abolishing iron when “we have an energy resource problem” is beyond imagination. Be careful, because drifting can be dangerous. It is legitimate to fight for the environment. But if the principle becomes: In the name of the climate, remove everything superficial, then we risk returning to the Stone Age. Before we say goodbye to the iron, for example, we can delete the interviews on the YouTube channel PD Which between the lights, cameras, audio, travel data and internet they will consume like an army of housewives. Which quickly goes from “climate wrinkled” to “climate smelly”, saying goodbye to water. The jump can be instantaneous. There is no effective natural deodorant.

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– I give up. also Maurizio Landini L asks Giovanni everyone To leave the chair in the style of Vasco Errani who, when the guarantee notice arrived, “quit after one minute”. The truth is that Irani was wrong, and in fact was exonerated years later. Also, anyone who demands – from the right as well as from the left – the resignation of the politician who ended up in the hands of the judiciary is committing a grave mistake. If the suspects are innocent, which they are by definition, and if the crimes have not yet been proven, there is no reason to resign. Everything would be easier if prosecutors continued to do their work and politicians stopped resigning, at least until the first instance ruling is issued.

the only moment, Let’s all repeat that togetherwhere we can start evaluating.


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