Friday, October 18, 2024

White Zone, Morvillo v. Fidesz: “The Iovino Case? A Serious Error in Communication”


The investigations into the Fedez-Iovino case are proceeding quickly. Thanks to photos taken by security cameras of the nightclub “The Club” in Milan, new details have emerged. According to what we learned, the rapper, who had clearly changed, was seen being calmed down and taken out of the club. With him there are AC Milan’s bodyguard Cristian Rossello and fisherman Taxi B. Through the videos, we work to identify all the participants in the process of beating the personal trainer of VIPs. Cameras in the Moscova area are also being checked to see how many people were actually in the car that left the Milan club and whether they are the same people who were then seen outside Yovino’s house. This was discussed again in White Zone, the politics and current affairs program of Rete 4. Candida Morvillo, who a few days ago analyzed Fidesz’s decision to “return to the law of the road” in an article published in the newspaper Corriere della Sera, spoke live .

Read also: Fidesz “an existential crisis and a reputational crisis.” The harsh opinion of the expert

“It seems to me that the defense made a mistake in communication much more serious than the mistake made by his wife when she made the famous video of the Pandoro case. But much more serious”: this is how the journalist began by making a comparison between the answers given by Fedez after the start of the investigation into the beating of Iovino and the video that Ferragni published after the fine. Huge antitrust authority. “If we took a survey in this study and asked, ‘If you hadn’t been there, how would you have reacted?’ I think 99% of the people in this study would have said, ‘But I would have been very offended.’” I would lead an expedition of 8 or 9 people, How can you imagine that I am someone who has such a perverted attitude to do something like this,” Morvillo continued. The Corriere della Sera signature added: “Fedez is there and making it a game against the press, a game against the prosecutor’s office. He is mocking and belittling. A very serious communication error.”

See also  "They didn't talk to each other."


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