Friday, October 18, 2024

Income meter case explodes, tension in majority – News


The rule had been expected for “six years” and was “previously shared with consumer associations, the Estad and the Privacy Guarantee”. But the new version of the income meter, with the signature of Mauricio Leo, creates confusion among the majority even though it has “very specific limits” to the “taxpayer guarantee”. The Deputy Minister of FDI will go on Friday and explain to the Cabinet the reason for its implementation, given the immediate reactions, the partners were certainly not informed.

The news comes with an official gazette (but the ministerial decree was signed on May 7), and shocks some parliamentarians who appeared in the Atlantic while the superbonus Montessidorio is being debated in the chamber, another issue that the majority has struggled to resolve. A few hours later, the first to react was Forza Italia, which made clear its “ever” opposition to the income meter. Massimiliano Romeo, the president of the group following the League, first passed the ball back to the FDI, calling the proposal “strange” (it wasn’t, because it was an already implemented and operational measure) and then, after Leo’s explanations, “the investigation has been over for some time” and “controlling the Italians’ spending, in Big Brother style, of course “Not the best way to fight tax evasion,” it reiterates.
In short, the Deputy Minister’s assurances were not enough to allay the suspicions of the Allies. According to parliamentary rumblings, the Fratelli d’Italia remained silent for hours in the face of a move that was unannounced and practically unknown to anyone.

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The first reactions, even at Mef, were “surprise,” they say. What’s surprising is not the content — the constant refrain between the parties — but the timing of the settlement of a matter that has been pending for years. Of course in recent months, recounters of the story explain, the Court of Auditors requested the enforcement of a ministerial decree expressly granted by the 2018 law (the dignity decree of the yellow-green government) that canceled the old returns. Meters but issued a further ministerial decree regulating summative assessment, defining elements that indicate citizens’ ability to pay. In short, it is a matter of “regulating the return” of Renzian’s Redditometer, they explain from Palazzo Sigi, besides, in the words of the majority of parliamentarians, a “meteorial” effect on the election campaign.

“We had to get some votes for the Democratic Party”, tries to laugh at a deputy from the Prime Minister’s party, who begins the afternoon with a series of press releases to defend Leo’s initiative, which in the words of the President “does not reduce or affect tax reform or the approach of the Meloni government” of the Finance Committee of the Chamber Marco Osnado. Prefers a “friendly” tax system. Perhaps, observes the FDI rush, “it’s causing a stir because we’re in an election campaign”.
And that’s precisely the risk of a boomerang effect that worries Georgia Maloney. But Leo is “technical, well-prepared” and “does his job well,” say his close associates, who admit there is a “lack of communication” on the “complex” issue. The Prime Minister will have spoken to his Deputy Minister and will have an opportunity in the next three days, from here to the Cabinet, to assess possible counter-moves to avoid fallout between the vote on June 8 and 9.

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“Majority Tilted”, decrying the “extreme” use of “corporations for election campaigning”, raising a Democratic wave. Matteo Renzi says they “pretend to be liberals, but they are only statists. And they follow the guidelines of Vincenzo Visco and the anti-taxpayer left,” while Visco himself is “very supportive.” Income meter as a tool in the fight against tax evasion.

Learn more ANSA agency Tax lens, from investments to horses – News – Expenditure categories used by the Revenue Administration (ANSA).

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