Sunday, September 8, 2024

Italian excellence in London is at the forefront of a young man from Bologna. “The seminar is a goal”


By Giorgia de Cupertinis

Italian excellence reaches Big Ben. On the occasion of a three-day symposium at the London School of Economics and Political Science, well-known faces from the worlds of politics, culture, sports and finance gathered in the UK capital to discuss the future of the world. Bill Bice. Behind the organization of the event – which will conclude today with the final episode – there is the network that unites all Italian students in the country, the United Italian Societies (UIS), which brings together more than 4,000 young people in 20 universities in the UK United: among the organizers is also the 20-year-old Niccolò Babini 21 years old, he is a true Polonian and a former student of Galvani High School, where he was also the representative of the institute. “This seminar is the result of important work, carried out in collaboration with the other organizers (Umberto Belluso, Fabio Carolla, Guglielmo Santamaria, ed.) to promote Italian culture and help relations between students. It is a source of great satisfaction for us and for us. “When I achieve goals of this kind, I think Always at my high school in Bologna, which taught me a lot,” explains Papini. Among the most famous guests was the Minister of Justice Carlo Nordio, the main figure of yesterday’s day dedicated to politics and communications. “Among the main priorities, we must intervene in this part of justice that has Strong impact on the economy: The first disease of justice is the slowness of trials, while the second is uncertainty about the law – the Minister explained to the young people present in London – this slowness negatively affects 2% of our GDP, and there is regulatory confusion that keeps foreign investors away. For this reason, we must aim for greater speed: we plan to reduce the duration of civil trials and eliminate, within a few years, 90% of the backlog.” A meeting was held between journalists and communication experts, in preparation for reimagining the future of Italian journalism. “We can say that we are satisfied so far with the first edition of the symposium – specifically the city of Bolognese – both in terms of the interest aroused among the students and in terms of the guests present, all of whom are famous and available for dialogue with our community. Having a direct discussion with them represents a unique opportunity for Italian youth in the UK”. The youth also had the opportunity to delve deeper into the topic of business during the first day scheduled for last Tuesday. Today, at the last meeting, chefs Cristina Bormann and Giorgio Locatelli, sports journalist Fabio Carissa and digital entrepreneur Marco Montemagno will be present. In conclusion, former Director of the International Monetary Fund, Senator Carlo Cottarelli.

See also  UISP - Bologna - Improving skills in sport for development


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