Friday, October 18, 2024

Fletcher diet: the crazy trend for those who want to lose weight without giving up anything | The secret is in your mouth


Fletcher diet secrets. (filed images)

The so-called Fletcher System or Fletcherizing System is back in fashion, but does it really work or is it another crazy trend?

As summer approaches and swimsuit testing begins, more and more Italians decide to change their eating habits by adopting it Slimming diet More or less effective.

This is not a bad option, on the contrary, many studies show it Summer is the perfect season for a low-calorie dietBecause you can benefit from the natural decrease in appetite due to the heat. In fact, if during the winter you feel the need for larger meals precisely because the body needs to burn more calories to keep warm, then in the summer you can reduce calories. The important thing is to ensure good and continuous hydration.

However, those who follow a diet do not always follow a specialist, and many rely on him Do it yourself diets Or even worse for online diets They promise miraculous results in a short time. The danger in these cases is not only not to obtain the desired results, but also to cause an imbalance that can harm the correct functioning of the organism.

It is certainly important to obtain information online, perhaps by relying on reliable sources: the same website Ministry of Health It is full of free downloadable leaflets and brochures with a series of tips on nutrition. However, when starting a diet, you should take into account some subjective criteria, such as your health condition and lifestyle, which can only be evaluated by an expert.

Fletcher diet

Lately we’ve heard a lot about Fletchering dietalso known as Chewing diet, which is based on studies conducted by Dr. Horace Fletcher in the early twentieth century. Flether, nicknamed “The Great Masturbator,” promoted the theory that… Each bite of food had to be chewed 32 times until it became semi-liquid. According to studies, this process would have allowed for better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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Fletcher also claimed that this practice led to various benefits, including Weight lossMore energy, one Improve intestinal health and reduce body waste.

Fletching diet or chewing diet
Fletching diet or chewing diet. (filed images)

Does the Fletcher Diet or Chewing Diet Really Work?

During that period, the diet became very popular and was also adopted by prominent people of the time, including entrepreneurs john d. Rockefeller and writer Henry James. However, it must be said that even today the benefits of chewing are recognised The Flecherizing Diet is not supported by strong scientific evidence Which shows the benefits of almost excessive chewing compared to normal and adequate chewing.

in conclusion, Fletchering dietwhile Historically interesting and based on some facts Regarding the importance of chewing, it is not considered a correct slimming practice according to modern scientific standards.


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