Sunday, September 8, 2024

Letter against Trevisan, spark from the warden: “He talks like a dog.”


Challenge episode from the good old days. Mike Bongiorno’s two historical “valleys” exchange barbs: awkwardness in the studio, Katerina Balivo speechless.

Virginia DeStefano

Social media manager and copywriter

Unlimited passion for TV series. Degree in Film, Television and New Media, video making and writing is my favorite hobby.

The talk show La Volta Buona hosted by Katerina Balivo is known for its ability to combine moments of light entertainment With deeper and more in-depth discussions. The show often invites prominent guests from the worlds of entertainment, culture and society to talk about current issues and share personal anecdotes, but often embarrassing asides emerge and go viral. That was the case on today’s episode, which featured a big block dedicated to Mike Bongiorno with A-list guests Susanna’s message and Miriana Trevisan, two historical “servants” to the memorable Italian-American host.

Tension in the studio: Susanna Messaggio and Miriana Trevisan

This episode of Right time Susanna Messaggio and Miriana Trevisan appeareddue number Well known to the Italian television audience, are invited to remember the great Mike Bongiorno, with whom they have worked in the past. An event that should have been an occasion In memory of the famous broadcaster, Instead, it turned into a confrontation filled with tension and harsh criticism.

Since they entered the studio, the atmosphere has become tense, with Susana Messaggio finding a dog treat left on the couch from the previous broadcast, He showed it to Mirjana with a caustic joke: “This is for the little dog, here if you want to eat it because I know you like sweet things.” This is the first comment The presenter was literally left stunned Katerina Balivo was greeted with a forced smile from Mirjana, marking the start of a series of heated exchanges.

Anti-Trevisan message: Mike Bongiorno tribute ends badly

The situation became more complicated when Susana Messaggio continued to interrupt Mirjana Trevisan during the broadcast, Which fueled the bad mood of not only her colleague but also the audience. While Mirjana told an anecdote about how she “rented” her little dog to work with Mike Bongiorno, Susanna launched another quest: “They spoke the same language, her and the dog. Woof!“Elissa Dospina tried to do just that Clarify the situation Susanna asks directly if she is angry with Mirjana, but Susanna denies any hostility, claiming that “No, all my friends and family love it… and I love it too, no problem.”

Despite Susanna’s reassurances, LThe atmosphere in the studio remained tense The audience felt unspoken distress. On social media, viewers were not spared from the criticism directed at Susana Missaggio, accusing her of insolence and rudeness. From a desire to belittle Mirjana Trevisan. Comments like “But the insolence and the message’s obsession with heroism… Mamma Mia!” H “Susana Messaggio How many times do you want to call Mirjana Trevisan a whore? In bad taste and rude!“Reflects public dissatisfaction with the perceived hostile attitude of the message.

TV guide

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