Monday, September 16, 2024

Unlike the aurora borealis, a solar storm moved the Earth’s magnetic field. And now?


In recent days the earth has been shaken by powerful people Geomagnetic storms Which captured the attention of scholars and the public. These have generated amazing events Northern lightsBut it also had deeper implications. Geomagnetic storms occur when the Sun produces bursts of energy that fling charged particles into space. These particles, once they reach near Earth, interact with our magnetic field, causing visible interactions such as “aurora borealis.”

Recently, particles from a solar flare reached Earth with such great energy that they created aurora borealis in several parts of the world. But what is even more worrying is the discovery of major disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic fieldOcean Networks Canada (And you) These devices, located at a depth of 2.7 kilometers off the Canadian coast, indicated the intensity of the solar flare and its impact on our planet.

Kate Moran, President of ONC, highlighted how the impacts of solar storms can deeply penetrate our environment.

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the Northern lightsThat adorn the sky of the polar regions is the result of the interaction of charged particles coming from the Sun with the Earth’s magnetic field. However, magnetic storms can not only cause aurora borealis, but also… Significant disturbances in the magnetic field from Earth. The consequences of these storms can also be felt at ocean level, as reported by underwater observatoriesOcean Networks Canada (And you)

Twenty years ago, a similar event actually happened, when scientists noticed. Particles emitted by a solar flare are able to reach the Earth and generate the aurora borealis which can be clearly seen with the naked eye even in Hungary. However, an interesting discovery was that these particles caused significant disturbances in the Earth’s magnetic field, which were also detected by underwater instruments.

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According to Kate Moran, president and CEO of ONC, the intensity of the solar flare was very great Influence on the Earth’s magnetic field . Data collected from these underwater observations can be invaluable in understanding the impact of similar events on our planet and in formulating prediction and mitigation strategies.

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But what will happen now? According to a physicist from the University of Victoria, Justin AlbertThe Sun will reach the peak of its solar cycle over the next two years, at a rate of a He increases From solar flares and magnetic storms. This raises questions about the potential consequences for life on Earth, including impacts on satellite communications, power grids and navigation systems.

In fact, we know that solar storms can have major impacts on technology infrastructure and communications networks. Projections indicate that strong solar storms could significantly disrupt communications satellites, and even damage the Hubble Space Telescope, as happened in the past.

According to Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the Sun’s powerful outbursts will continue until 2025, with an increasing number of sunspots appearing on the star’s surface. This may lead to increased geomagnetic activity and increased risk of technological disruptions on Earth.

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