Sunday, September 8, 2024

The first details of the severe deterioration will be Thursday and Friday, which areas will be at risk for strong thunderstorms, storms and hail. « 3B Weather


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Countdown Mid-week evolution Now widely described in previous updates. Everything Confident with the principal Assessments for Accumulation For gross and vulnerable areas Important issues related to Bad weather. Wednesday will be a day of preparation, and uncertainty awaits Strong deterioration This will lead to the time between the end of the day and Thursday night First trouble of the series in the northern regions. Then the second disturbance will come in full force early Friday night and this will be it More serious. These events often have a background of thunderstorms Sleet, storms and winds blow. Confirmed as the main objective Northern Italy A portion of the core has an engaging, but eventful convective component. Almost completely out Suth Barring moderate cloud traffic and some isolated afternoon thunderstorms in the Apennines. But let’s see what is expected with the help of recent modeling publications. Here is the trend for the first weekend of June.

Wednesday 29 May: Nord, scattered clouds in the morning with large sunny intervals, thunderstorms developing over the Midwestern Alps/Pre-Alps in the afternoon. During the night, widespread rain and thunderstorms worsen between Lombardy, Emilia Romagna and Triveneto. Center, some disturbances in the Adriatic in the morning, sunny elsewhere. In the afternoon, thunderstorms spread inland and over the Apennines with local extension of events to the Adriatic coast. It improves between evening and night. Suth, large clears even in the morning with scattered clouds and high disturbances along the Adriatic. In the afternoon, there will be thunderstorms in the Apennines with local extension of the events to the Adriatic coast. temperature without major variations. Wendy Weak Westerners with reinforcements in the canals. Marie Silent or slightly moved, canals moved.

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Thursday 30 May: Nord, Bad weather between Lombardy, Triveneto and Emilia Romagna associated with rain and thunderstorms, strong intensity and locally hail. More patchy and isolated cases in the northwest. New intensity worsens between evening and night with heavy thunderstorms and cloudbursts in Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto and Friuli. Critical risk Inside Lombardy e Veneto Attention from the central and lower eastern province of Lombardy Bergamo to Mantua and to the central and upper Venetian provinces, especially the Veronese, Vicenza e Treviso Accumulated over 24 hours 80/100mm. Center, variability with some events in the Tyrrhenian region, high instability in the interior regions and strong thunderstorms in the middle hours towards the Adriatic, associated with hail locally. Better in the evening. Suth, sunny or cloudy with a few isolated afternoon thunderstorms between the Apennines and the Adriatic. In the evening it will improve everywhere. temperature Decreases in the north, stable in the center, increases slightly Suth. Weak or moderate winds from W/SW with local strengthening in Tyrrhenian sectors. Marie Western basins are moved or highly moved locally, while others are moved slightly.

Friday 31 May: Nord, Eastern Liguria, Lombardy, Triveneto and Emilia Romagna from the morning severe bad weather, associated with hail and wind with strong thunderstorms and cloud bursts. Also with isolated occurrences and large intervals even in Piedmont and central-western Liguria. The afternoon is best between Piedmont and Liguria, with continued events between eastern Lombardy, Triveneto and Emilia Romagna. In the evening, events from the west gradually subsided. Critical risk Inside Lombardy Careful in the province Monza And it is Milano Must accumulate up to 100/120 mm in 24 hoursAlso up to 50/70mm in Triveneto and western Emilia. A center of showers and local thunderstorms between Tuscany, Umbria and Marche, not excluding some strong events in Upper Tuscany. More variation elsewhere. SuthMostly with harmless cloud disturbances and large sunny intervals. temperature Below average in the north and part of the center, increasing further in the south. Wendy Moderate or strong between South and SW. Marie The western basins are rough or very rough, locally turbulent.

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