Friday, October 18, 2024

Whatsapp, the practical guide to listening to voice messages offline: you will definitely thank me


The notorious blue ticks that appeared a while ago on the Whatsapp application prompted many to look for “alternative” systems to read messages without informing the sender. We’ve covered this topic several times in our articles, revealing some simple tricks to get around the Meta platform. But is it possible to do the same with sound? Let’s find out together.

Is it possible to listen to voice messages on WhatsApp without anyone seeing them? – (

“The law has been laid down, and the deceit has been found.”. This old proverb – which has never been as relevant as it is in our country – fits perfectly with the way it is done We use the world’s leading messaging app, Or WhatsApp. In fact, if on the one hand users have moved in the direction of ensuring maximum transparency between interlocutors in chats, then on the other hand users have to I looked for loopholes Not to mention… everything, everything, that’s it. Or at least not in the ways he laid out dead.

Of course, the same developing company Provide functionality to protect privacyLike a possibility Hide your access Or when you are online (and even remove the same blue tick from received messages), but a whole series of tricks have appeared in parallel to circumvent the rules by pretending to be transparent. Among these there are already Tricks so that others do not know that you have read a message Without necessarily having to interfere with the application settings.

How to read messages on WhatsApp without knowing who sent them

In other words, Without touching the blue ticks or acting on the settings related to our statusWe can anyway Read the received message without confirming it to the sender. Among the methods we have dealt with (read the full guide on the topic here) it is undoubtedly the most effective Activate airplane mode. It is certainly a rather tedious method but it is one that will allow you to “freeze” time, giving you the opportunity to read all the messages quietly, including those that you do not really want the person who sent them to know. , or at least not right away, that you opened it.

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WhatsApp voice messages
Voice messages, it is possible to listen incognito: guide – (

Instead it is clear that there is Notification previews, even if you will only be able to read the messages partially; Or again, exploit the capabilities of the “secret method”, the details of which we explained in this article. This is the last possibility in our opinion The best compromise Which will allow you to manage better Completely incognito WhatsApp chat. No, Ninty spoiler, To find out how it works, simply click here and read the full guide.

How to Listen to Voice Messages on Whatsapp Offline: Guide in All Ways

Thus we arrive at the question with which we opened our article: Is it possible to do the same with audio? If so how? Well, first we can tell you that some of the methods mentioned in the previous paragraph also apply to this particular circumstance. This is the case for example Flight mode: And also for regular text messages as well Audios can be listened to Without giving confirmation of receipt to the sender. Be careful though: According to some rumors circulating online, some devices They will continue to send notification when the data/wifi connection is reactivated. So tip: do some tests first and make sure your smartphone isn’t fooling you.

The “empty” group.

The second tested method for listening to voice messages incognito is to redirect them to a file Empty array In a way that it can be heard through a secondary route and not directly from the person who sent it to us. now WhatsApp It also allows you to have some “Group” conversations with ourselves (Sorry for the inconsistency), so it’s easier to have a “container” set where you can listen to the audio quietly.

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With this application you will listen to Whatsapp messages without being detected

There is also a third method that seems to achieve the goal in the same way. In fact, it’s probably the best among those listed. It’s about to An application that can be downloaded for free from the Play Store (Currently no iOS version, editor). he is called “Opus player“: In other words, through this application, it is possible to listen to all the voice messages that we receive in parallel Bypass WhatsApp completely.

How it works

The interface is very intuitive. On our home screen Folders with month and year reference. By opening one we find the subfolders with today, and we do it again handle About what interests us, we will be able to listen to all the received audio files. Unbeknownst to the sender and still keeping the blue ticks active.

Audio player whatsapp con app opus
Lab Opus Player – (

The only drawback, if we can talk about a bug, is that we will find in the folders only a file Gradually digitized sound That is, without us having the name of the person who sent it to us. In any case, just listen Last received To hear what you want. We conclude with another interesting feature of this application: in fact, a Widget To have everything comfortably at hand on the home screen of our smartphone. Will you try it?


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