Monday, September 16, 2024

Only 4.4% of workers benefited from it


in ItalyAfter an initial impetus due to force majeure Smart work He seemed to have slowed down on his way 2024. According to Eurostat data, in fact, Italian workers were able to do less work remotely in 2023 than in other EU countries: compared to an average of just 9 percent. 4.4 percent of Italian workers benefited from smart work for half of their weekly working hours. This data makes Italy one of the last EU countries in terms of using remote work, as the record was previously obtained Finland.

Smart working in Italy, worse data than in EU countries

The Eurostat report clearly shows that in Italy There are still a small number of workers who can benefit, at least for half of their weekly working hours, from this service Smart work (Only 4.4 percent). It is a value that places Bel Paese in the last positions in the European Union classification on the subject and which adds to what has already been highlighted by the Smart Work Observatory of the School of Management of the Polytechnic of Milan, according to which 2023 The Italian workers were agile 3 and a half millionwith prediction 2024 Who want them to 3.65 million.

To understand the negativity of Eurostat data for Italy, it is enough to look at the average workers in other EU countries who benefited from this data. Smart work For half their hours, or 9 percent. The data is more negative for Italy if you compare it with the data of the country that allowed remote work more than others, which is Finlandwhere is the 22.4 percent Of the workers provided their services for half the week directly from home.

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Smart work, because it doesn’t work in Italy

the Weak penetration of smart work in Italy She is the daughter of causes Cultural And the decisions taken by the government. Regarding the first aspect, it should be emphasized that there has been a historical tendency in the country not to want to invest in smart working: in the last ten years, Italy has in fact always been below the EU average in terms of smart working, with data starting to Only growth yet pandemic. So there is still a long way to go, even if the proportion of agile workers does not seem to be growing as much as it could: today it stands at 4.4 per cent, just 0.8 per cent more than before Covid.

The second aspect of the lack of development of smart work in Italy must be linked Government regulations about this subject. In fact, since 1 April, lean working has been re-regulated under Law No. 81/2017, effectively losing all the simplifications introduced for some types of workers. Now, in order for each employee to be able to work from home, he must reach an individual agreement with his company, so that smart working becomes a means of implementing work performance.

Smart working scenario in the EU

Outside Italy scenario Smart work It changes radically. in anyIn addition to priority Finland On the topic of flexible working, it is also worth noting that 11 countries have rates higher than the average of 9 percent.


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