Friday, October 18, 2024

Heat up to 38-40°C en route, let’s see which regions will have these temperatures


A rapid rise in heat is set to see the temperature rise to touch the 40°C threshold in the next few hours!

As was the case for almost the whole of May, the beginning of June was characterized by uncertain weather, with constant atmospheric instability affecting mainly the northern regions and part of the center. The temperature in these regions also assumed fluctuating behavior.
However, a change is expected in the second part of this week, especially from Thursday, June 6Anti-Africanism, as we happily call it ScipioWarm weather will begin to affect most of the country.
Its progress will lead to a clear improvement in weather conditions throughout Italy, but also to a significant increase in temperature, which will fully reach summer values, initially oscillating. 29 e 30°Cwith even higher peaks in the south.

This heat wave will intensify over the weekendWith touching and exceeding temperature 33°C In most of the Mid-South, peaks are reached 37/38°C al soot and on the two main islands, local peaks of up to 40°C in inland areas.But how long will the first real heat wave of the season last? Right at the end Weekend Already the pressure will begin to decrease in the north Sunday, June 9You will notice some instability and consequent, albeit limited, heat loss.
It will be a forerunner of one Next week It will probably be characterized by unsettled weather again in the north, while in the south the summer will continue without any particular danger and indeed with a further increase in maximum temperatures.

African heat rises across the country, reaching as high as 40 degrees Celsius in the south
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Weather forecaster Lorenzo Tedici spoke on the topic iLMeteo.itWe asked someone what would happen in the next few days.
Over the next few days, an Iberian-Moroccan Baric Gap will form between the Canary Islands, Morocco and the Iberian Peninsula, resulting in counter-rotating currents around its center. In this way, subtropical continental air masses are pushed from the Sahara directly towards Italy, from south to north; When crossing the Mediterranean, these air masses are loaded with high humidity.

Will we have more heat?
Temperatures will rise significantly, with peaks expected between Friday and Saturday in the mid-north and between Sunday and Monday in the south: in addition to high temperatures, especially in the Po Valley, there will be an important humidity in the Alpine. In valley floors and central interior plains.

What temperatures should we expect once the peak of heat is reached?
Between Friday and Saturday we will reach the peak of heat in the mid-north with 34°C in Terni, 33°C in Ascoli Piceno, Forli and Maserata. In the south we will already exceed 35 ° C with extreme values ​​in Oristano and Taranto (36-37 ° C), but the heat will increase further between Sunday and Monday.

Why will the heat increase in the south from Sunday?
Heat will increase in the south as the Spanish low pressure area moves eastward: in fact, with the movement of disturbances in Spain, thunderstorms in the north and clouds in the center are already not excluded on Sunday. We will get more warm air arrivals from the southern (Libya) quadrants.

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What does this intrusion of Libyan winds towards the south mean?
Libyan air will push the thermometer to 39-40°C: currently the most ‘overheated’ areas are expected in Sicily (Cefalù 39°C but a good part of Nisseno and Enna) and especially in Puglia. Bari and most of the Foggia region up to 38°C.


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