Sunday, September 8, 2024

Visa inspection: US and UK tourists want to return to Italy many times


(Teleborsa) – American and British citizens preferredItaly, they want to come back. In the next 12 months, 74% of tourists will arrive Kingdom United and 57% are visited by tourists America He has already visited Bel Pais in the past. theirs journeys They happen especially during summer. August and September are the months when the largest influx of both Americans and British is reported to the peninsula, drawn by the charm of Italian culture, its museums and monuments, and its top attractions such as Rome, Florence, Venice. Milan was cited as the city with the highest number of expected arrivals from both the US and the UK.

In this situation, I Payments Digital They play an important enabling role, in fact payment cards are the most used tool by American and British tourists for purchases in large stores (57% UK, 49% USA) and small stores (42% UK, 45% %). USA), long distance transport services (61% UK, 49% USA) and Movement General Urban (35% UK, 31% USA), as well Accommodation expenses (63% UK, 57% USA).

Additionally, 31% of British tourists and 46% of Americans plan to Budget cost More than their trip to Italy last year: on average, the former budgeted £1,960 for 2 people. And the latter has an average cost of 3,493 dollars each for 3 people. These are some of the results of the Visa International Travel Survey[1]Developed by Visa in partnership with Ipsos, the survey was developed by Visa in collaboration with Ipsos to analyze tourists from the United Kingdom and the United States on their trips to Italy, their spending expectations and payment intentions.

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“The United States and the United Kingdom represent the two most important corridors for inbound tourism in our country. Adoption of digital payments will be key in the coming months to meet the needs and expectations of these travelers, which will evolve under the pressure of the next major events such as the Jubilee and the Milan Cortina Olympics” – he commented. Stefano M. Stoppani, Country Manager Visa Italia. “Visa promises easy, fast and secure payment experiences; These will help small businesses and local shops not miss out on business opportunities.”


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