Monday, September 16, 2024

Giorgia Meloni, last appeal before the vote: “You will decide for Italy”


A few hours after the electoral silence and the vote, Georgia Meloni handed over her last appeal on social networks. “On Saturday and Sunday you decide your future, you decide how strong Italy is and should be in Europe,” the prime minister said in a video posted on his official profile. “Stronger to defend its national interests, stronger to bring pragmatism and seriousness to the choices of an EU that is losing its role in the world”, he continued. For the leader of Italy’s brothers, national interests must come first. “I also know which party has always defended the Italian national interest above all. The future of the European Union will be decided, which sometimes seems distant to us, but rather these are the problems that concern our lives every day. “, he continued.

Also Read: Meloni “Let’s move Europe’s axis to the right”

Taking over at the Palazzo Sigi in 2022, Meloni brought Italy back into consideration by major European and global players. “We have managed to arrest the seemingly unstoppable decline, disprove the prophets of doom and restore faith and credibility in our nation,” added the Prime Minister. But this is just the beginning. Of course there are many more goals to be achieved. “We are proud that we have increased employment, economic growth above the European average, dedicated every euro and every available resource to wages, to supporting the purchasing power of families, to health care,” he said. said the Chief Minister.


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