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Ray’s revenge, the ax comes down on Serena Bortone: who will replace her

Ray’s revenge, the ax comes down on Serena Bortone: who will replace her

Serena Bortoni The first edition of Rai Talk 3 recently concluded What will happenwhich, however, seems so Next September it will not see the light of day again With the second season. Rumors circulated in the air about the program’s closure after Scurati case became reality: The major network chose not to renew the program For the second season, which puts the broadcaster’s work at great risk. A good revenge for what happened in recent months or a choice due to low ratings? Maybe both, but let’s find out more.

What will happen?Disappointing reviews: Al-Rai closes it

Well, yes, from the latest rumors it seems like Ray has decided so Program suspension What will happen? to Serena Bortoni Which, after the first season recently ended, will not be starting again in September. What is the reason for this decision? Of course I am Low ratings They did not help, and Rai3 talk ended the year with a miserable average of 3.88%. Certainly a few numbers have never been able to keep up with the results of the competition, including the direct competitor Massimo Gramellini su La7.

The fact of not getting the desired results may have influenced Ray’s decision to suspend the program but frankly it seems that the real reason lies in “position“By Bortone regarding Scurati case.

Serena Bortone, Ray takes revenge in the Scurati case

last april, Serena Bortoni He sparked a real controversy by reading live What will happen? I Anti-fascist monologue From journalist and writer Antonio Scurati. This is after Melonian Ray immediately prevented the monologue from being revealed by canceling Scurati’s guest appearance on the program. The “stance taken” by the presenter which the network’s upper management did not seem to appreciate at all. And if there’s been talk for several weeks about “Measures“Towards the presenter, it now seems clear how Rai decided to serve itself revenge.

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And in all of this, Ray actually seems to have some of it Idea to replace presenter. From rumours TV Blog It appears the company intends to fill the weekend slot left by Bortone Recognition Which he conducted Peter Gomez (Saturday) e a report (Sunday). But for now these remain just rumors.

What is certain is that It seems like the spaces dedicated to Serena Bortone are getting smaller and smallerHis place in Rai appears increasingly at risk. Besides this, it is right to remember who Serena Bortone is Editor-in-Chief of Al-Rai on a permanent contractWe therefore cannot rule out the hypothesis that there may also be other plans for her, unless she herself decides to go elsewhere, and let’s face it, she will certainly not be the first.