Monday, September 16, 2024

There is also 67 thousand euros in the budget for children


The super bonuses – the largest loan (so far) in the national ranking – were spent on renovating houses that were unoccupied for most of the year: 60 million euros of non-repayable funds were allocated to create thermal insulation for private apartments in two areas. Residences at Marileva 1400, a ski resort in the municipality of Mezzana, autonomous province of Trento (in the photos near the address and below). The station in the true sense of the word: it is actually a stop in the network of cable cars and chair lifts that reach the famous Madonna di Campiglio.

60 million, more than half of which, nearly 39 million, is funded by the European Union through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr). It will then be necessary to explain to the Dutch, Danish and German taxpayers the priorities with which Italy also burned their money: because these second homes are inhabited only a few days a year, during the winter holidays and in August. For the rest of the calendar, including this June, hundreds of apartments, a church, a pharmacy, a hotel and covered parking lots are signs of a ghost town. So, if you’re still amazed at the ease with which politics has loaded the bill for our future with public debt, follow along on this journey into the construction sites of Italy’s most expensive super bonuses.

Thus 39 million Pnrr were burned

Tomb Tomb, this interface definitely got its money’s worth 110 percent. Thumb Thumb. Also this. Knock knock: Not that. Simply tap the walls with your knuckles to understand, by the sound of the thermal coat, whether the owners have participated in the super bonus lottery. But the surprise is that most of the houses in Al-Mizana are exposed to roads. However, this delightful town in the Val di Sole, along the River Noce and the road that descends from Lombardy to Trentino via the Tonale Pass, is firmly at the head of the road. Financing classification In confusion. By dividing the sixty million public funds among 890 residents, it is as if each one of them had collected 67,415 euros. Including children. Where did all this capital go?

Late in the evening, the welcoming owner of Alpino Bar in Mezzana points to one of the four men sitting and playing trump cards. “Here in the village you can’t find anything, except for a few exceptions – you have to come,” says Gino Dalla Valle, owner of the only grocery store in Marileva. “There are wonderful residences in Marileva.” This is partly because traditional houses in the Trentino valleys are always upgrading their energy efficiency. This is partly because grabbing so much money without due political attention is beyond the means of any human being. So the population of 890 bears the burden of the record. But they did not even smell the privilege of wealth.

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Politics, here. The first to put on his hat on May 29, 2021 was the then Undersecretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, Riccardo Fraccaro, elected for the 5 Star Movement specifically in the Trentino Alto Adige electoral district. In short, Fraccaro is playing at home. Deputy Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte personally climbed to a height of 1,400 meters at the first Marileva construction site. the video The state visit is still live on 5 Star’s Facebook page, accompanied by a headline equivalent to a declaration of love: “Marileva changes face thanks to 110% super bonus.”

As patron, Undersecretary of Conte

The next morning we follow Gino Dalla Valle’s advice. Just outside Mezzana, turn right. First hairpin. “The fantastic reward combines economic growth, growth of the construction sector, environmental protection and, in this specific case, within the largest construction site in Italy, as well as the relaunch of tourism,” says Fraccaro in an interview on Facebook. Second hairpin. “…For me it is clear to be in Marileva 1400 and see the largest construction site in Italy worth 110 percent of the super bonus, because this is it: 50 million euros of investments, located on the territory, make companies operate in the territory.. “, The Undersecretary follows up. It is true that he is talking about fifty million: but that was in 2021, and then prices exploded. The last bend. “Obviously this is great for those involved in politics like me, because it is an incredible feeling of satisfaction – Fraccaro gloats – to be politically active to see these things. Today I am witnessing it and it is wonderful.”

Alpari's residence, which cost the state approximately 39 million euros allocated by Pnrr (photo by Fabrizio Gatti)JPG-2

Getting to Marilleva 1400 is a bit like parking on the moon base in the series Space 1999. Boomer-type stuff: If you don’t know the show, look it up online. What surrounds us and hides in the pine forest is actually classic spatial architecture (pictured above, the Alpari residence was recently renovated and cost the state approximately 39 million euros). Exclusive use of exposed reinforced concrete columns and beams, aluminum cladding, and glass too thin to retain heat. Materials that lose any energy class rating. However, that was in the 1970s. In France, the urban planning philosophy of “plan neige,” the snow plans, was transforming Alpine valleys reserved for poverty and immigration into modern ski resorts.

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5 Star Movement leader Giuseppe Conte with Riccardo Fraccaro (La Presse photo)

The French style was brought to Marileva by a resident of the valley who worked for Christian Democracy, Bruno Kessler, the historic president of the autonomous province of Trento. But the project signed by Luciano Perini and Sergio Giovannazzi has one feature: these spaceships built on concrete pillars almost disappear from the scene. However, it hosts more than ten thousand beds, directly on the ski slopes.

Because building rewards don’t pay for it

“Of course, it is very far from our traditional architecture – comments the mayor of Mezzana, Giacomo Ridolfi, 60 years old, head of the civil list – but the alternative, for such large numbers, would have been residential towers in some residential buildings. Ski resorts in all their influence.” In short, despite the deterioration of materials and inefficiency of energy, no one proposed demolishing the reinforced concrete housing and depriving the valley of more than ten thousand tourists. Also because these are private apartments. Owners come here from all over Italy: especially Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy and Lazio. And so we return to the solution praised by Undersecretary Riccardo Fraccaro (pictured above right, with 5-Star Movement leader Giuseppe Conte).

The center right also loves massive spending

After the 5-star cap, praise comes to Trento Province, led by the president of the association, Maurizio Fugate. In February 2024, economic development consultant Achille Spinelli took stock of the region’s added bonus: 1,634 projects completed at a cost of more than $382 million. Mizanana is always at the top of the list of countries that have used Pnrr funds. Even if the municipality of Val di Sol receives none of all this goodness. The match was held in Rome, where politics are based. But also the studio that manages the Alpari residence in Marileva 1400, the first to complete the interventions at a colossal cost of around 39 million. the Register in Italy For one project: Each floor of the residence was covered with a new metal sheathing, lined with a thick layer of Swiss-made, Swiss-produced rockwool. Maybe that’s also why they cost more.

One of the entrances to the residences of Marilleva 1400 (Photo by Fabrizio Gatti)

Meanwhile, here, at the edge of the parking lot between the Solaria Hotel and the reflection of the peaks in the recently replaced windows, a retired couple walks. Finally, a human presence. From the dialect they come from central Italy. “Yes, we are joint owners of the apartment,” the more talkative lady confirms. You did a good job of securing financing and completing the work on time. “Yes, but we didn’t do anything. The housing administration did everything. We only benefited from the funding.” Was it that bad? “Yes, the apartment was very dilapidated. However, we were able to manage it as well because we left before the others. When they approved the law, we had already decided to renovate.” How insightful, but how did you do it? “He knows everything,” the lady points out to a friend.

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“Communication from friends of a 5-star minister”

“Some acquaintances of the then agriculture minister came to spend a holiday here and told us that the government was about to approve the super bonus,” explains the friend. Minister of Agriculture? Then there was Stefano Patuanelli, still from the 5-Star Movement. “For God’s sake, the minister has nothing to do with it. We don’t even know him. It’s his friends who come here. They’ve heard about the proposal. And so we prepared ourselves. The estimate was twenty million. Increases “The prices of materials arrived later and the costs doubled, and we did not know about this months ago,” the friend interrupts. Can we write your testimony with your names? “No, no, have a nice day – salutations to the talkative lady – no names.”

Super Bonus, Why We Need a Commission of Inquiry – by Fabrizio Gatti

The mayor of Mezzana smiles when he hears the average 67 thousand euros collected by each resident. “I will say no – answers Giacomo Ridolfi – our compatriots did not receive this money. It is also true that in winter we have to provide heating and antifreeze long before direct use. And from the point of view of energy and environment, they certainly did “We have achieved important results, “We are talking about pre-intervention structures that were particularly energy-intensive, that were designed in the 1970s in a completely different energy context than the current one.” And what are the direct benefits for the country? “Directly we find it a bit difficult to see them – admits the Mayor of Mezzana – . We have looked with the appropriate amount of attention at private property for redevelopment. But we public administrators are always waiting for funding. The Super-Reward Paradox This is somewhat similar to the incentives that are so important in relation to private property that, conversely, we do not currently have significant tools to redevelop our public structures.


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