Thursday, September 19, 2024

“Hostile” weather, the blockade of the anticyclone gives no respite: when will we get out of it?


Weather conditions are “highly erratic” due to an anticyclonic blockade over northern Europe that has had impacts on the Mediterranean Sea and consequently on Italy. What awaits us in the next few days? Experts answer the question 3BMeteoHe explains that the low-pressure vortex stressing large parts of the peninsula “has been stuck in the same position since Sunday and will continue to renew significant instability in the next 48 hours, which will be more intense at times.”

On Wednesday, June 26, precipitation is expected between Lombardy and Triveneto, with even extreme events in the pre-Alpine and foothills. Thunderstorms in the afternoon, Tyrrhenian areas and inland areas of the Adriatic, with some rain in the afternoon in the south.

Also Read: Weather, “None”. Sottocorona: When the bad weather ends in June

How long will it last? A breakthrough may come from Thursday, June 27, but it will be short-lived. The disturbance will move eastward, giving way to tropical high pressure, which will bring only good weather until Friday, June 28. “A short pause, because the same Atlantic activity will cause a new deterioration at the end of the week”, experts predict this irregular start to summer.

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