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Massimo will be in court over unpaid VAT and deductions, Chancellor: ‘He deserves a monument like Garibaldi’

Massimo will be in court over unpaid VAT and deductions, Chancellor: ‘He deserves a monument like Garibaldi’

Turin. The accountant Massimo Segre deserves “a monument comparable only to the one they erected to Garibaldi at Caprera.” These are the words said today by the defense technical advisor in court in Turinto testify at the trial in which the professional was accused of failing to pay VAT and withholding taxes amounting to 3 and a half million.

The expert spoke about this in relation to work to be conducted on behalf of Savio Thesan, Ventilation equipment manufacturer that requested a protective configuration agreement in 2020It is Savio’s creditors in particular, in his view, who “should build a monument to him” and also “to the commitment he made to keep the company going.”

Della Savio Thesan Segre was Chairman of the Board of Directors from July 2018 to May 2020. Two months after its rise to the top, the resort successfully avoided bankruptcy (100 million euros in liabilities) by requesting an arrangement with creditors, and has almost finished repaying debts with creditors, including the Revenue Agency, with which it has already reached a settlement agreement. . The appeal was missing 2 million in VAT and another 1.5 million in withholding taxes, in relation to the 2018 and 2019 tax periods.. He also ended up on trial with Segre Former CEO Eamonn Balbo de Venadio (That was until 2020), and they had already exited the process by agreeing to 10 months of public utility work. The judge heard during the investigation. Segre said he entered into agreements with the collection agency to pay the amount already owed in 2019, before he ended up under investigation.But the discussion would have stopped the moment there was agreement. Immediately after the approval, in November 2022, divine help arrived from Cristina Simande (no relation to the criminal charges), who together with Hope srl acquired Savio Thesan benefiting from a public contribution of 2 million euros provided by Finpiemonte, the holding company of the area. The same Seymandi with whom Segre struck a multi-figure deal last summer to stop arguing and split property, money and company shares, after the breakup went viral on camera.

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