Saturday, October 5, 2024

Cav. Di Rosa (SMET): “The relationship between Italy and America is necessary and inevitable. Don’t get caught up in the siren song from the East”


July 4, 1776 is one of those dates marked in red on the calendar of history. The day 13 British colonies declared their independence from their motherland. It’s America’s birthday.

To coincide with this anniversary, embassies, embassies and cultural centers around the world are celebrating the 248th anniversary of independence. Italy is no exception, and on June 26 at the US Consulate in Naples, a celebration was held to commemorate the independence and emergence of the leading country in the West. Consul General of the United States in Italy, Tracey E. Roberts-Pounds, wanted to remember the stars and stripes and the close and ancient ties to our beautiful country and, in particular, to the land of Campania. Not just a migration from Europe to the other shore of the Atlantic: even from an intellectual and philosophical perspective, the 41st parallel bridges have always been solid and Benjamin, one of America’s most famous founding fathers. FranklinHe maintained a fruitful epistolary relationship with the Neapolitan intellectual Gaetano Filangieri.

Various political and civil society representatives were invited to celebrate 248 years of independence. Among those invited by Consul Roberts-Pounds was the knight DomenicoPinkCEO’s SMET.

On this occasion, Domenico di Rosa wanted to underline how the bond between Italy and the United States must be stronger than ever. “There are winds blowing in the other direction – recalls SMET’s CEO – and trying to question our Atlanticist position in favor of the liberal world. We cannot get caught up in the siren song of the East”.

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Kevin’s call. De Rosa is in the current geopolitical phase. “Although politics is neither black nor white, we cannot avoid a fundamental reality: the world that grew up in the shadow of the liberal ideal has guaranteed tremendous progress and development in favor of improving the living conditions of the people of the West. We must put ourselves in a historical perspective And the crises and difficulties we experience should not dwell in the present moment, causing us to lose sight of our role in the world and our relationships with other global actors.

The CEO of SMET said “The friendship between the United States and Italy is deep and lasting. Historically there has been a positive and profitable exchange between the two from an economic, cultural and political perspective. Many children of our soil have gone to the United States in search of better fortunes and contributed to the good of our fellow countrymen, not wrong. . “Land of Opportunity”. Cav. De Rosa concludes by underlining that “that enterprising and pioneering spirit should characterize our economic and social life, especially in southern Italy.” Cave concludes, despite pressing issues that exist everywhere, from West to East. De Rosa -, America is a model to look up to and be inspired by.”


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