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Melo Infante closes at 2pm (with controversy): “We were the last”

Melo Infante closes at 2pm (with controversy): “We were the last”

Today the final version of Raw 14the popular daily show hosted by Milo Infante on Rai Due. Transmission Welcome his audience With a mixture of celebration and criticism towards Rai. Infante devoted the final minutes of the final episode to emphasizing the extraordinary listening results recently obtained, while at the same time complaining about poor visibility and poor visibility. Recognized by the Public Broadcasting Corporation For the successes of his presentation.

Milo Infante’s words at 2pm with the controversy against Rai

During the broadcast, Melo Infante highlighted the excellent audience results he achieved, shows a significant increase Compared to previous years. “2pm reached 9.80%, which is almost 10%, a significant achievement considering we recorded 1.83% four years ago.“,” Infante declared, showing a graph showing the continuous growth of the offer over time. He also confirmed that on the last day, The program placed the network in second place in terms of viewership, Right behind Mediaset with 10.60% and nearly 1 million viewers.

However, despite the apparent successes, Infante expressed bitterness about it. Negative perception In the past, opinion and the media in general suffered from it. ““We were considered the last part of the programs that did not work.”Infante pointed out that he confirmed how his team demonstrated with concrete facts Significant growth in audience and program quality During the years. He also complained about the company’s lack of recognition for its successes, citing incidents such as unscheduled commercial breaks during broadcasts. “He added: We are a free broadcast, some like it, others don’t, some want us to continue, and some hope other things will arrive instead.

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Gratitude to the viewers and web reaction

Infante concluded his final episode by expressing gratitude to his loyal viewers and the team that contributed. To success ore 14, Highlighting detailed data to educate the public about the importance of the results obtained. “We ended this year with 850 thousand viewers and a percentage of 7.50%…“I have announced.

Reaction online was mixed.With some journalists and social commentators supporting his arguments, highlighting the discrepancy between the actual success of the programme and its media exposure. Also Journalist Giuseppe Candela He wanted to express his opinion on the social networking site, so he wrote: “It’s true if he says it himself, because others don’t acknowledge it. In fact, they argue against it… And it also gives the lie to your silly castles: We wrote it badly, it went well and we wrote it…”