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Why don’t we hit passers-by with a scientific explanation?

Why don’t we hit passers-by with a scientific explanation?

Why do we never hit pedestrians in the street? The answer is not only related to law and science: let’s see

A woman crossing the road like a normal pedestrian (Credits @PrimoCanale) –

What’s stopping us from investing? pedestrians When are we behind the wheel? First of all, the rules of civility, which obviously slow us down in the face of the supposed urge to speed up as a pedestrian passes in front of our car. Even when it’s, say, the obnoxious person in the neighborhood, or the person who’s given you a lot of trouble, or an elderly grandmother crossing the street very slowly… all while you have to go to work.

Why don’t we run over pedestrians, explanations

Let’s start with a fundamental question: invest in personlike killing her, is never permissible. This evil choice is condemned above all by Italian law, which in this historical period has tightened the penalties attached to road homicide. In addition to the rules of good coexistence, according to the laws in force in the country, there are also dynamics linked to the neuromotor dimension, which prevent us, at least in the absence of serious mental illnesses, from hitting a pedestrian or killing a person.

Pedestrians crossing the road (Credits @SicurAuto) –

Neurological interpretation

Let’s start with a theory that has been supported by many academics over the years: Man is a social animal. This condition positions the person as being naturally friendly and establishing social bonds for their survival. A discussion that goes against the grain, if we then see the degeneration of society such as the dynamics associated with conflicts or crime, which nevertheless pursue other, less noble goals at the social level.

Back to theoretical composition, man He is not instinctively driven to kill his fellow man.. All this regardless of the race or cultural references of the other person whose life is supposed to be taken. It is a dimension that we have inherited, incredibly, in our cultural heritage for thousands of years, in the need for community for survival that has its roots in the primitive species of man.

In this artistic composition, this is present in our composition brain. We know almost instinctively that we should not kill our fellow human beings, let alone endanger our own lives. A mass of motives that remains alive even from the cultural context in which we live, and which through the tripartite system shapes our attitudes from birth. After all, our mind is shaped from the beginning by three elements: language, culture, and surrounding environment. To these elements, we must add the innate elements that have been inherited for thousands of years in the genetic code of our species.

How does this condition translate into reality? The brain that, without complex neural connectionsIt will make you brake in front of someone crossing. It is the same, paradoxically, when you run the risk of being hurt or killed by an action: there will always be a state of mind that, at least initially, will prevent you from taking any action (hand in hot water for example). The brain is therefore not only the engine with which we structure our days, but also a self-defense mechanism to preserve our survival and the survival of our species.

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