Saturday, October 5, 2024

Emanuela Orlandi, unpublished audio from the witness: “They accompanied me to a remote village in Santa Marinella”


It is a phone call that arrived on July 5, 1983 at the Orlandi house. There is a young female voice saying: “Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II, this year I must finish my third year at the scientific high school.”

Sound not made sound Emanuela Orlandi It was broadcast during the last episode of the program “Who Saw Him”, on Wednesday evening. This is a phone call that arrived July 5, 1983 At Orlandi’s house, one of the alleged kidnappers renamed him Americano because of his foreign accent. The American planned to interact that evening with Ercole Orlandithe father of the 15-year-old who disappeared on June 22 of the same year while leaving the music school at the Basilica of Sant’Apollinare. But it was Emanuela’s uncle Mario Menegozzi who received the call and replaced her father who was too tired to speak.

“We were able to get an unedited portion of that phone call,” host Federica Ciarelli began, and Emanuela’s brother confirmed that this audio had not been edited until tonight. Pietro Orlandia guest in the studio. “I was looking for it too, I read the script but I never heard from him again. It’s part of the recordings we made at home, and my sister Natalina’s husband took care of it. It always seemed strange to me.“There was just a part that always came out.”

what Feel like what? Who listened to the recorded phone call? These are many fragmented recordings. American He begins by saying, “Listen carefully, we have a few moments, this is your daughter.” The uncle replies,make him feel good for me“At that time, according to Pietro Orlandi, the phone call was even more disturbing, as he said: “Whoever got it, will clean it up,” adding an important detail: “The voice is from the same person who called right after and who we are.” Call Americano”. There female voicea young man, who says: “Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II, this other year I must do Third year of secondary school, scientific section“. According to Pietro “this is definitely my sister’s voice, we never doubted it and neither did the Sismi analysts (who analyzed another tape), it is so”. Emanuela Orlandi, before disappearing into thin air on June 22, 1983, had already attended the scientific high school of the Convitto Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome.

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She herself says in this audio recording: “I have to complete the third year of high school science.” A piece of music is heard at minute 3.45. Then the word:especially…“But it is separate from everything else. Not a single sentence makes perfect sense. You can hear the uncle calling: ‘Make me feel better.’ And again that feminine voice, almost asleep, which says: ‘She will be sixteen in January,’ or the years that Emanuela reached in January 1984, when her life had already fallen into an endless tunnel.”Give me a suggestion“The uncle asks in this phone call 41 years ago but nothing. Then again Emanuela’s voice, who says again with a Romanian accent: “They will come to accompany me this year In a remote village of Santa Marinella“Pietro comments: “When we heard this phrase, my uncle said that Emanuela He often went to Santa Marinella where he had a house.“. The American tells him: Try to listen carefully, is that his daughter Emanuela’s voice? “Make me feel better – the uncle answers on behalf of the father – give me a more complete presentation.” But: “Talk to the Secretariat of State (of the Vatican, ed.)”, he comments. And again: “Fifteen …”. “Fifteen what?” asks the uncle. Fifteen, the age of the Vatican citizen when she was kidnapped. Before entering the Ludovico da Victoria music school, on the day of her disappearance, a man stopped Emanuela Orlandi and offered her a job: to distribute leaflets during a fashion show, as she told her classmates and her sister who called from the payphone of the same school.

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Maybe this guy He recorded his voice that day.a simulation of an interview? “This man must have played a role,” confirms Pietro, “and Emanuela herself had talked about it with my sister, so there was a role.” When the offer was made to her, Emanuela was not alone: ​​another music school student, Raffaella Monzi, told judge Domenico Sica. She was with a friend, but it was never clear who she was. The presenter Federica Ciarelli also questions the Tandem TV show in which Emanuela participated on May 20, 1983, a month before her disappearance. Could someone have recorded his voice on that occasion? More questions have been added to the many remaining questions.After 41 years without a response.


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