Saturday, October 5, 2024

Vox leaves Meloni’s Ecr for Orban, League delighted: “Very important signal”


The conservatives are losing another area: the group led by the ultra-conservative Spanish party Vox Santiago Abascal, announced that the ECR would leave the group and join the new Patriot Europe group, calling it a “historic opportunity”. “Georgia Meloney “Always a friend and ally,” underlined the Sovereign Party in an official note. Meanwhile, the Italian prime minister finds herself increasingly isolated in Brussels. On the one hand, the EPP, PSE and liberals excluded her from the deal on high-level European jobs, on the other, under the support of the right. Integrates itself Victor Orban, left the ECR precisely to form an extreme Eurogroup of patriots. And in Italy, another voice that needs to be an ally is sticking the finger of League in Meloni’s wound. On a side note, party Matteo Salvini Hailing Vox’s move as a “very important signal” to the patriots: “A front for change is growing in Europe, a clear no to Van der Leyen and the Socialists,” comments the Northern League, which is ready to accept Orbán’s plan. .

Orban’s tears fly to Putin. EU: “Not in our name”

By our correspondent Tonia Mastrobuoni

Wilders with Orban

“IT is becoming a group of patriots for Europe, and now Vox has entered, but it’s an irrelevant group because no one wants to debate with them,” says Meloni’s other Italian partner, Antonio Tajani. “There are still not enough nationalities to form a group,” he adds. And Salvini replies: “I will wait until mid-July to check who is unsuitable and who is suitable.”

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At least 23 representatives from at least seven countries are required to form a team. In the evening, Dutchman Geert Wilders announced that the PVV had said yes to Orban. On Monday morning the Patriots will be drafted, identity and democracy, until now we need to understand what the group will do, including the league. But consider the declared members of Fidesz (Hungary); Ano (Czech Republic); Fpo (Austria); Besides Chega (Portugal), Spanish Vox and Dutch Pvv, and meetings with the Slovenian SPD and the League, Orbán could even reach 79 seats. Instead Ecr drops from 84 members to 78 and the margin of advantage over Renew shrinks, which currently has 76 members but liberal sources say “already a new entry in the next few days”.

Spanish tears

But beyond the numbers, the rift in historic allies weighs heavily on Maloney. The Italian Prime Minister has appeared several times on the Vox platform in Spain. He sent the last video message for the conference in view of the European Championship.

Meloni at the Vox conference: “We can build a better Europe, the priorities are all wrong”

“Vox and Santiago Abascal’s relations in Italy will be a priority with the FdI and Giorgia Meloni – try now to appease the Vox MEP. Hermann Tertsch, speaking to LaPresse — our relationships beyond the groups are very strong. But different situations sometimes call for different positions. We all understand that. Either way, Vox and FdI will always be brothers.”


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