Monday, September 16, 2024

Organized tourism revenues +5%, boom in Japan and East Africa – last minute


“Summer 2024 bookings are growing for organized tourism, with an average increase of 5%. Overall, there is a positive trend characterized by a significant advance in bookings concentrated between December and February which guarantee the widest range of choices and the most interesting prices,” says Pierre Izaia, President of Astoi Confindustria Viaggi, commenting on the data recorded by their observatory according to which the average duration of the trip is 8.5 days in the case of beach holidays and cruises, while it is 11 days for tours and cruises. Experimental circuits.

Southern Italy and the islands, with Sardinia in first place, are among the favorite destinations. Northern Europe is highly regarded with itineraries in Iceland and Norway; the most popular destinations in the Mediterranean are Greece and the Balearic Islands and in the medium term Cape Verde and the Canary Islands. In the long term, the moment of great preference experienced by Japan is reinforced, as is the charm of itineraries in the United States, followed by East Africa also for beach holidays in the Indian Ocean. Cruises, always very attractive in summer, sail the western and eastern Mediterranean. Study trips, which are booked in advance, reward English as the primary language of study in Great Britain, Ireland, Malta, the United States, Australia and Canada; Japanese is among the other required languages.

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