Monday, September 16, 2024

Two young men went missing in Brenda. He dives to help a boy in distress, but they are both swept away by the current


Padua – Two boys went missing in Brenda river.

More than a month after the Natisone tragedy, the scene is repeating itself. Some witnesses also tried to save the youth who had fallen into the water to no avail. According to the initial reconstruction, a 23-year-old boy from Sri Lanka went to bathe in Brenda, and at a certain point, after a short distance, he started to stop touching and drowned. A thirty-year-old Romanian, having run out of the ball at Brenda, turns to the river to retrieve the ball and sees a twenty-four-year-old man floundering. He jumped up and tried to save him, and held his hand. However, the strong current engulfed him as well and both disappeared. It happened today, Sunday 14 July, in Campo San Martino (Padua). The story takes us to three friends, Christian, Bianca and Patricia, with that hug in the middle of the Nadizone water, creating an unforgettable image. The three boys, last May 31, were surprised by the flood of netizens and hugged each other as they tried to resist the force of the current. All immortalized on video.

What happened at Brenda’s

According to eyewitnesses, a 23-year-old man from Sri Lanka had trouble going to bathe in the Brenda River, which has waterfalls, when the water was too high. A young man of Romanian origin, but a resident of Villanova de Camposampeiro, who was going to retrieve a soccer ball with friends, sold it at the mercy of the current and dived into the water to help him. He swam to him and even held his hand, but then the current dragged them both away. Some passers-by saw the duo struggling in the swirling river and tried to help them. But it was all in vain. Both were lost by the current. Searches are now underway, with firefighters on site along with boats and divers.

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