Friday, September 20, 2024

WhatsApp, deactivate this option immediately: it will change your day


There is an option that must be deactivated immediately on Whatsapp and that will really change many things: let’s see why and what it is.

Deactivate this option on Whatsapp: here’s why and what will change (

It can only be listed among the most popular applications worldwide. WhatsApp. We are facing one of those realities that have completely changed a generation and its habits. In the past, in fact, you only had free messages to send when you fell, so to speak, into one of those offers that are offered especially in the summer. But thanks to the most famous green application in the world, i.e. Messages They all became freeAnd get used to continuous communication, and permanent and direct contact with all our friends.

As you can easily imagine, it was a real revolution, but if it has maintained this status over the years, it is also thanks to the many additional functions. Which allow us to entertain ourselves like others. social networkAs with countries, for example, it is also about enjoying graphics designed specifically for them. Keeps us glued to the screensHowever, there is a basic option that can be done if it is deactivated. Really a lot has changed these days.. And not only in the near future, but also in the future. Let’s see in detail what it is. So I wish everyone a happy reading.

Deactivate This Feature On Whatsapp: You Won’t Regret It

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Whatsapp, deactivate this function immediately: this is (

As is known, unfortunately there are a lot of them around the Internet. Bad intentions. Which are constantly working to spoil our serenity and seize all our data. Banking information often ends up right in front of their eyes, as our money remains at risk of fraud and digital theft from all sides. There is a job WhatsApp Which, if not deactivated, could really represent Open door For the wicked.

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The job in question is the job of Automatic downloadswhich are many Leave it active For the practical application question. Well, just check out these files that are automatically downloaded. Hacker You have access to the above information. And we may introduce, in this way, in a very simple way, viruses that are very dangerous to our smartphones. Before proceeding to learn how to deactivate it, here How to activate the red mode that witnesses many successes instead.

Automatic downloads, and how to disable this function

On Android, you need to go to the app settings, and you will need to go to “Data and Storage“Then click on”Auto download“Finally the choice”No filesThe discussion is also very similar to appleIn this case, the option to press from WhatsApp settings is “Storage and DataIn the Automatic Downloads option, you will then have to click on “”maybeFor different types of files. This is the latest feature added to Whatsapp..


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