Wednesday, September 18, 2024

[NASA HQ News] NASA Invites Media to Discuss Exploration Science Program Update


(AGENPARL) – Rome, July 17, 2024

(AGENPARL) – March 16, 2024 NASA Invites Media to Discuss Exploration Science Program Update
July 16, 2024
M24-101 Media Notice
[A bright moon covered in craters.]NASA’s Galileo spacecraft took this image of Earth’s moon on December 7, 1992, during its 1995-97 exploration of the Jupiter system. The distinctive bright-rayed crater at the bottom of the image is the Tycho Basin.
Credit: NASA
NASA will hold a teleconference at 4 p.m. EST on Wednesday, July 17, to provide an update on a program within NASA’s Exploration Science Strategy and Integration Office.
The audio of the conference call will be broadcast live on the Agency’s website at the following address:

NASA Live Stream

Conference call participants include:
*Nicola Fox, Associate Administrator, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
* Joel Kearns, Deputy Associate Administrator for Exploration, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters
The Exploration Science Strategy Integration Office in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate ensures that science is integrated into all aspects of lunar exploration. By investigating the Moon and its environment, and using the Moon as an observation platform, NASA seeks to gain a greater understanding of the Moon itself, the solar system, the universe, and the deep space environment.
To learn more about NASA’s lunar exploration missions, visit:

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