Friday, October 18, 2024

That all changes over the weekend in some areas, with hail and thunderstorms expected in these areas


Weather: Things will change over the weekend in some areas with hail and thunderstorms expected in these areas

Lots of sun and heat on Saturday, with strong storms coming Sunday

Big news on the weather-climate front next weekend: Thunderstorms and hail in some regions..

Italy is currently under attack Sharon, a powerful anticyclone of African origin. This real “monster” of heat and stability causes good weather in the entire national territory, with rapidly increasing temperatures exceeding the seasonal average.
Forecasts indicate that this situation of atmospheric stability and extreme heat will continue at least until today. Saturday 20th JulySome exceptions are expected within this general framework of sun and heat.

In fact, it will be the weekend that shows major signs of a change in the general circulation. Saturday 20th July Pressure will remain at high values, favoring more stable weather and warm weather in most parts of the country. There will be a chance of some scattered thunderstorms, though almost exclusively for Alto Adige.
Instead, everyone has a point of view Sunday 21st JulyA day of celebration will turn into a day of celebration when the pressure starting from the north meets a very clear decline Thunderstorm Festival This time not only the reliefs, but also many parts of the Po Valley, especially the eastern part: will be above all under observationEmilia RomagnaI am L Veneto And most of them Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Maximum attention should be paid to these areas, as strong contrasts between the pre-existing heat and humidity and cold air from northern Europe will favor the formation of true storm cells. Sudden winds, storms and large hail. Isolated spin events also cannot be ruled out (hurricane).
In the afternoon, some events may reach the central Adriatic regions, esp Marche.

See also  Here is: Winter Tail in Italy From the weekend, snow and cold return

As for the temperature, no significant changes are expected during the day Saturday 20th July, When from Sunday 21st The mercury columns start from the north and then begin to fall towards the centre. It will lead to milder weather early next week, at least for the central and northern parts.


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