Thursday, September 19, 2024

From Earth to the Edge of the Visible Universe: Watch the Chill-Inducing Video


The visible universe is enormous, a “ball” 93 billion light-years in diameter: start this journey with us from Earth

The universe is expanding (as proven by Hubble) and therefore light sources, such as job Or rather, the galaxies are moving away from our point of observation. If this were not the case, the radius of the observable universe would be equal to 13.8 billion light years Approximately, the distance light has traveled since the beginning of the universe (since the great explosion). But because it is expanding, the distance to the horizon is much greater: electromagnetic radiation that began 13.8 billion years ago and now reaches an observer will be relative to a source that has moved away from the observer.


The latest estimates suggest that the area has expanded by about 4.7×1023 km or 46.5 billion light years. So the diameter of the ball will be exactly equal to 93 billion light years. Let’s take a journey from Earth and Moon, to the Solar System, to the Oort Cloud, to the Milky Way, to the Virgo Supercluster, to the Laniakea Supercluster, and finally to the visible universe and beyond! This animation will take us from Earth to the “edge” of the visible universe: Happy travels!

to know more

Here it is Subramaniamsu Laniakea: Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way are part of it. Laniakea’s mass is incredible: I think it’s 100,000 million times larger than our own star. It’s a cluster of galaxies and its “web” stretches for 500 million light years. In contrast, Laniakea is only a small region of the observable universe, currently estimated to span 90 billion light years. Video and more information here..

See also  "Italian Space Research Between Past and Future" at ASI

For more information, we recommend Daniele Gaspari’s book: In the mind of the universe

Cover image courtesy of NASA


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