Monday, September 16, 2024

Physics Professor’s Makeup to Lower Car Temperature in Seconds Without Air Conditioning | Where We All Go Wrong


Lots of sun – –

“It’s so hot, it’s unbearable!”: the classic phrase we all utter when we get into the car on really hot, stifling days in the heart of summer: a long-awaited period of the year that then suffers, when it arrives.

All of us who have set foot in the passenger compartment of our cars know this very well, because we have experienced it firsthand: we open the doors and it feels like we are entering an oven.

The shock effect is obvious, immediately: it’s already hot outside, let alone entering the small passenger compartment which, however comfortable, is literally boiling.

The steering wheel is hot, the gearbox is the same, the seats seem to be on fire so you can’t even sit down, and the bad thing is that you’re probably in a hurry too so you have to move.

How do you do it? Many play with fire, almost literally, braving fate and the heat by sitting on the glowing benches in the hope that things will get better along the way.

It’s hot in the car, don’t feel bad, do this

Even if it does happen, it takes time to do so: and in the meantime, in addition to risking burns and sweating as in a sauna, we also risk physical collapsewith air and heat diseases that are unfortunately very common in many people, regardless of their age. But in this sense there are some Techniques and tricks Which we should make the best use of, also by following the valuable advice.

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For example, they are given to us by our physics teachers who explain to us how to do it. Air fluctuations, In the near future, this is the only answer we can try to give ourselves, a solution that at least in a few moments reduces the effect of suffocation, burning and suffocation. The heat of the passenger compartment, accumulated from the truth The windows are closed, and do not disappear once turned on. air conditioner.


Before the air conditioner does that

The first thing to do is to follow this. Physics teacher teaching To break Temperature From the car in a few moments without air conditioning to be opened immediately car windows But not only that: Use at least one car door as a kind of fan to circulate air between the tooth and the outside.and move it in a swinging manner So that the outside air, even if it is hot, when it enters the machine, allows the old air to be expelled from the machine. The windows are open.

This allows the machine to Reduce the feeling of suffocation. To help, if possible, is to use a sunshade on the windshield and perhaps leave it on. A few fingers from the open glass, If the vehicle is parked in safe places.


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