Monday, September 16, 2024

Benedetta Rossi, what will you do with the seven million won by Mondadori: confess everything without shame


Benedetta Rossi – (screenshot)

The news shocked fans: Benedetta Rossi was “bought” by Mondadori. Now the food blogger has revealed what she will do with the €7 million she earned.

News in the last days of the brand acquisition Benedetta Rossi By Mondadori It shook the fans who were surprised and felt a little betrayal

the Food blogger Which in recent years has become one of the most followed, has always divided the public between those who adore it for being so simple, the classic person next door, and those who criticize it. for the same reason.

Very simple, almost. “country girl”, They scolded her for her down-to-earth ways, being a bit clumsy in the kitchen and even using frozen ingredients. But the power and success Congrats! I’m just that. Knowing how to talk to people, even those who haven’t even cooked an egg, and teach them how to cook something.

It never got to her head. So to find out “She sold herself” For such a giant, it seems like a betrayal of the values ​​he has always claimed to believe in. But what will he do now with the €7 million he has earned?

Benedetta Rossi: What would you do with the Mondadori millions?

In about 10 years Benedetta Rossi And your husband Marco Gentile They built an empire. But it always remained humble, and that was their success. But why are fans questioning such a decision? Especially in light of his previous statements. In 2021, the friendly food blogger interviewed Fq Magazine He spoke precisely about the offers that came in. When asked if it was true that he had turned down an important proposal for cooperation, he replied: “I didn’t like the suggestion, it was so out of my way of seeing things. For me, followers are not numbers, they are people. And my words are not a speech, I really believe that.”

But today something has changed. He said yes to Mondadori’s proposal to acquire 51% of the company that manages women’s intellectual property and image rights. He says he wants to go up to 70%.

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Benedetta Rossi
Benedetta Rossi and Marco Gentile – (Photo on Instagram @fattoincasadabenedetta)

What has changed

Through social media Benedetta Rossi Together as always with her husband Marco Gentile He wanted to reassure the public and explain what was happening. Both admit that the decision evolved over time, due to the unexpected growth of their business. Marco: “There is also an administrative side to the company. We have to admit that for years we have not felt sufficient. The size of our company is such that we do not have the skills to manage.”

But they are reassured: “For us, nothing will change at all: we will always be Benedetta and Marco, as you have seen over the years, simply now we will receive the support of people we know well and who feel like family since we have been collaborating for more than eight years.”


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