Monday, September 16, 2024

First weekend of red-sticker summer evacuation amid heat and drought warning – News


The last weekend of July promises to be one of the hottest of the year, with thermometers hitting a high of 40 degrees and millions of Italians jetting off to holiday destinations. Due to this, Anas has decided to suspend 70% construction sites till September 3. But a return to the Saron peninsula risks worsening the water crisis, particularly in the centre-south, where Calabria has declared a state of emergency and Sicily has to rely on naval tankers to ease the crisis. Meanwhile, Coldretti initiates a “red alert” for crops and animals and prepares a mobilization ahead of Sicily.

Learn more ANSA agency African anticyclone returns with even more heat with a peak of 40 degrees – News – Mid-week storm break in north and part of center (ANSA).

Then the traditional summer exodus begins, A red sticker is affixed to travel on roads Starting this morning and continuing through tomorrow. Anas ordered the suspension of 906 construction sites across the entire network, strengthening the road workforce. Particular attention is paid to routes south-east, towards holiday resorts, through the Adriatic, Tyrrhenian and Ionian ridges, through border crossings with France, Slovenia and Croatia and outside urban centres.

“We are committed to guaranteeing fluid and smooth circulation for all users despite heavy traffic jams – explained the CEO of Anas Alto IC. According to our evacuation plan, Anas teams are working 24 hours a day to monitor the road network. Intervene immediately in case of emergency”. A large influx is also expected in accommodation facilities, with Assoturismo counting 8 out of 10 rooms booked, with a total of more than 6.4 million overnight stays expected from today to Sunday.

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Also, the bitterness and heat have pushed bookings at lake and mountain resorts, which have increased to 92% and 82% of available rooms, respectively, this weekend. However, cities of the arts stop at 75%. By far the highest saturation rates were found in the north, while parts of central Italy had slightly below average values. Finally, a slightly lower value than the national average was observed for the southern and island regions.

Learn more ANSA agency Kodakons, many inconveniences due to train and plane delays in July – News – In 10 days, between July 16 and 25, there were 74 incidents of traffic slowdowns or suspensions on Italian railways not due to force majeure. (handle)

Fiumicino Airport, meanwhile, recorded a record number of passengers in a single day, with 176 thousand arrivals between arrivals and departures last July 14. But that’s not all: the daily average of 160 thousand daily reserves and more than 1,000 flight movements per day exceeded the limit in July. Aside from tourism and summer vacations, Italy also has to deal with a drought emergency, which is particularly affecting parts of central and southern Italy.

Calabria’s governor, Roberto Occiuto, has declared a regional state of emergency for the situation, particularly in the Crotone region and Regino. In the afternoon, a naval tanker arrived in Licata, Sicily with 1,200 cubic meters to ease the water emergency in the Gela and Agrigento areas.

Anbi has warned that there will be no water for agriculture in the southern districts in 3 weeks. Council of Ministers to declare a state of climate crisis.” Furthermore, the Conference of States-Regions gave the green light to the recognition for the whole of Sicily of “conditions of force majeure and exceptional circumstances” that will allow agricultural and livestock businesses operating throughout Sicily to take advantage of specific exemptions and assistance. Not only crops, but also “without food and water Goldretty highlights the crisis by highlighting the dire situation that the remaining “animals” now face.

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