Thursday, September 19, 2024

Inter, changes to the Media and Communications Board: Kanu as Chairman. Ralph…


For Inter Brand, the president will instead be Ralph and none of the directors will receive compensation for this role.

After the official change of ownership at Inter, with the move from Suning to Oaktree, the California fund is slowly arranging all the bureaucratic steps to take control of the company. Among the various issues to be resolved, as Calcio e Finanza explains, there were also those related to the boards of directors of the subsidiaries Inter Media and Communication and Inter Brand. The portal writes: “The meetings of the two companies to renew their boards of directors were held on June 4th. In particular, as regards Inter Media and Communication, on May 27, 2024, the resignations from the board of directors were submitted by Steven Zhang, Ying Ruohan and Zhu Qing, representatives of Suning, for which reason the entire board of directors has expired.

For this reason, a new Board of Directors has been appointed, which will continue in office until June 30, 2026, and includes:

particularly, They were The president will be (“It should be noted that the position of President does not in itself entail the granting of any administrative mandate.”we read in the documents) and none of the board members will receive compensation for their role.

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