Friday, September 20, 2024

Paris 2024, They Wanted to Sabotage the Olympics: Dozens of People Arrested


French authorities have arrested dozens of people for wanting to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympics.. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said. Darmanin told France 2 television that security forces had arrested around 50 people who wanted to carry out “acts of vandalism or extremist protests” during the first Olympics, but that the authorities had prevented them.

This was reported by Le Parisien newspaper. 45 members of the extremist environmental movement Extinction Rebellion have been arrested.They planned protest actions against the social and environmental consequences of the Olympic Games.

A far-left activist was arrested on Sunday in Oiselle, about 121 kilometres (75 miles) northwest of Paris, Le Figaro reported. The man was stopped at a French national train station or the headquarters of the SNCF company and had “access keys to the SNCF technical rooms”, as well as “pliers and a set of public keys” in his car, as well as media material linked to the far left.

The Paris prosecutor’s office said the arrest was not linked to the investigation into the arson attacks that disrupted the TGV rail network on the opening day of the Olympics, affecting hundreds of thousands of commuters. No one has been arrested so far in connection with the incident, the office said. “These acts of vandalism were voluntary, very precise and very well-targeted,” Darmanin, a guest on France 2, insisted. “This is the traditional modus operandi of the far left,” he added. Asked if the profiles in question were close to the far left, he replied: “You have to be careful (…), the question is whether they were manipulated or whether they did it on their own.”

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BFM TV explains that at this stage, nothing allows us to link the arrested man to the vandalism that took place last Friday, even if the investigations continue. Yesterday, in the late afternoon, SNCF employees saw a man with suspicious behavior at the Oissel railway site in Seine-Maritime. The police rushed to the scene and arrested him. This young man, aged 28, has already been convicted in the past for illegal access to SNCF sites and is considered to belong to the far left. He had with him tools capable of causing damage.

Fiber optic network sabotage

And tonight, a new act of sabotage was affected. Six provinces of France, where it was completed Acts of sabotage against the structures of the telephone operator SfrThis was announced by Bfmtv, citing a police source, who explained that there are currently no claims. The departments affected are l’Aude, Bouches-du-Rhône, Drôme, Hérault, Meuse and Oise. It is not yet known how many users have been affected by the consequences of the attack.

First arrest for sabotaging TGV lines

After the sabotage of the French high-speed rail network (TGV) last Thursday and Friday night, “all trains” are “operating normally” this morning, the outgoing Minister of Transport, Patrice Vergrete, confirmed to RTL and Bfm TV. “I can confirm that all trains are operating this morning, both on the eastern line, since Saturday, and on the Atlantic line, where yesterday we were in almost normal conditions, and in the north, where three trains left yesterday. Of the four trains, today everything is working normally,” Vergrete said.

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